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Elliott Date Century Cutoff - Why Does Year 31 Become 1931?

Release Date: 12/06/2023
Version: 7.x & Up

Q - What is the latest date of the web services support?  We ran into a date with 2031 on an attribute date value and it was translated into 1931.

A - The date century cutoff issue is probably not web-services related. Web services uses the full 8-digit date with the 4-digit year. I think your issue is on the Elliott side since we only prompt for a 2-digit year with the user interface. Elliott 8.5 has the century cutoff at 30. That is to say, if you enter 12/31/30, it will be stored as 12/31/2030. If you enter 1/1/31, it will be 1/1/1931. 

On the other hand, Elliott 8.6 changes the century cutoff to 50. 

While you can run Elliott 8.5 and 8.6 side by side, if you want to enter dates in Elliott beyond 12/31/2030, then you can’t use Elliott 8.5 and 8.6 side by side. For example, if you enter the date 1/1/31 in 8.6, the date will be saved as 1/1/2031.  However, If you bring up that same date field in 8.5, it will be converted back to 1/1/1931. 

To avoid the year 30 cutoff issue, you should migrate to Elliott version 8.6 or after.


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