GL Interface Out of Balance Error Fix
When "POSTING INVOICES TO AR" AR from COP while at the same time running GL "INTERFACE FROM AR" it can result in an out of Balance Error in the Interface. BTRIEVE should prevent this from happening. If not BTRIEVE we need another way to prevent these processes from being run simultaneously.
We had reviewed this issue in depth and we can't address this issue in any reasonable manner. Any changes will cause bigger problem in other area. At this moment, we are not going to address this issue. Instead, we are asking you to consider a few things in your procedure: (1) We suggest you not to perform GL interfacing while the posting is taking place. A lot of our users use defer processing at night to perform posting. That would certainly address this issue; (2) When interfacing with G/L , please interface distribution in the past, not the current date; (3) The chances of the out of balance increase because the distribution file is not purged and cause the interface take forever to complete which increase the chances of conflict. Therefore, we recommend you to purge your old distribution records to speed up your interface.