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Developer Documentations

  1. Received Code 9999, 30000 or 30001 with Web Services Call

  2. Received Return Status Code 3 When Using Elilogin Login Method

  3. Elliott Web Service Requirements

  4. Elliott eStore Checklist

  5. LN API

  6. FN API

  7. RN API

  8. IN and DF API Change (V9.0)

  9. FA API Changes (V9.0)

  10. VA API Changes (V9.0)

  11. CartService

  12. EliarachService

  13. ElicshtxService

  14. EliattrbService

  15. ElisyscdService

  16. EliNoteService

  17. El2rstimService

  18. EliOrderService

  19. ItemInquiry

  20. EliitmiqService

  21. EliShptoService

  22. El2getfrService

  23. Steps Required to Test ReportWriter in V8.2

  24. Installation of ElliottService, NETcellent’s Web Services for Elliott

  25. ResellerFinder

  26. EliaptrxService

  27. VendorInquiry

  28. EliloginService

  29. ElislsmnService

  30. EliserhsService

  31. EliatpobService

  32. ElievprcService

  33. ElihdtrxService

  34. ElicuswlService

  35. QueryTurnaround

  36. InvoiceInquiry

  37. ElicustmService

  38. EligetcdService

  39. OrderInquiry

  40. EliordiqService

  41. EliecontService

  42. EliautdpService

  43. El2CrCrdService

  44. Log-Timer / ElliottTimer.Ini Support

  45. Alpha Document Number Support (V8.5/V9.0)

  46. ElliottService System.TypeInitializationException

  47. Feature - Printing API to Dynamically Set Number of Copies

  48. The Values and Meanings of Distribution Types - ARDISFIL, APDISFIL, IMDISFIL, BMDISFIL

  49. DD API Changes (V9.0)

  50. PA API (8.5)

  51. Validate License API

  52. AP API

  53. TP API: Temporary Path

  54. Data Structures for Report Desk Defaults and Enforcements

  55. COBOL to VB Interface Programs

  56. IN API: Option to Support Files and Folders Validation

  57. FF API: File Functions

  58. ID API

  59. LK: Links API

  60. FFLNearYou

  61. Report Desk: Registry Settings

  62. Developing a New Elliott V8.6 Report Desk User Defined Report (UDR)

  63. CustomerInquiry

  64. Elliott API (JSON Web Service)

  65. Animating COBOL Code in Elliott V8.5

  66. Preliminary Programming Changes for Elliott 8.6

  67. CV API

  68. System Lock File Requirements

  69. How to Write Test Codes for C# ESS Projects

  70. Solving the Inability to Debug Elliott on a New Server

  71. Report Desk: Developing Custom Reports

  72. Report Desk Tables

  73. Report Desk Database Delivery Strategy

  74. Logging I-O Logic Errors

  75. Report Desk: Developer Documentation Roadmap

  76. Report Desk: Resolution of Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.dll

  77. TB API

  78. Creating HTML Emails for Professional Presentation

  79. EM API - Create and Send an Email

  80. DN API (Document Number Handling)

  81. GK API

  82. LF API

  83. Feature - Sample HTML Codes for Order Acknowledgement Email

  84. Disk Write Back Latency Issue with AWS Servers

  85. Installing Telerik Components on a Development Computer

  86. HM and UM APIs

  87. Upgrading to New Telerik Components

  88. How to Avoid Divide by Zero Error in Report Desk

  89. LT API for Logging Timer Messages

  90. Report Desk: Developing a Customer-Specific Base Report by Using License Field

  91. Version 8.6 CP02P1 Changes

  92. Debugging COBOL Code in Elliott 8.6

  93. Error Code 19 Using EliOrderService.asmx CreateOrder() Method

  94. Debug Libraries for Animating

  95. DM API Changes - Use DM,99 to Display Long Messages

  96. The Lessons We Learned from Upgrading Web Service 8.2 to 8.5 in eStore

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