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Customer Order Processing

  1. CP0000 Customer Order Processing Overview

  2. Common Reasons Why Pick Ticket Does Not Print

  3. How Do You Purge Quote Type Orders?

  4. Order Lookup by Customer and Ship-To

  5. Btrieve Error USE on COP Lock File

  6. How to Send Shipping Confirmation Email to Customer

  7. Order Inquiry Searching by Customer's PO (Purchase Order) Number

  8. Can We Turn Off the Ability for Users to Enter Orders for a Customer on Credit Hold?

  9. How Do I Remind Salesmen to Send Order Acknowledgment?

  10. Is There a Way to Export and Import Price Code Files?

  11. Can a Credit for Kits on an Order Return Components to Inventory?

  12. How to Add System Date and Time on Laser Pick Ticket

  13. What Triggers the Billing Edit List to Display an O/S Instead of Quantity in the Back Order Field?

  14. How to Subscribe to Add Order Event So I Only Receive E-mail When Credit Memo Is Created

  15. Manually Changed Sales Tax and Commission in Billing Screen Recalculates Again During Billing Selection

  16. Can Item Lead Time Be Added to the Sales Desk Screen?

  17. All of a Sudden COP Open Order Report Takes Forever to Complete

  18. Purge COP Sales Order with No Line Item

  19. The Top Barcode Will Not Scan on Pick Ticket

  20. Invoice Only Prints First 10 Characters of Purchase Order Number

  21. Why Would Invoice Balance Due Field Be a Credit?

  22. Open Order / Invoice History Inquiries GUI Windows Show No Column or Data

  23. Can the 'Design Your Own Picking Ticket' Feature Print in Pick Sequence?

  24. How to Lock a Sales Order from Being Changed

  25. What Do I Do With "Invoice Printed But Not OK" Orders?

  26. Warn Users When Entering COP Orders for Items Below a Certain Margin

  27. Can Elliott Support Gift Cards or Gift Certificates?

  28. How to Stop Changing Sales Order with Shipment Tracking (Starship) Note

  29. Received Message "Must Run COP Setup First"

  30. What Are CP3HSxxx.BTR Files? Can We Delete Them?

  31. Restrict User from Changing Price in COP Line Item Screen

  32. How to Determine Who Receives Shipping Confirmation Email

  33. How to Create Invoices and Credit Memos Without Updating Item Quantity through Phantom Invoice

  34. Feature - Print Outstanding Transfers Through Invoice Edit List

  35. Feature - Date Used to Determine Price When Adding Item to Existing Order

  36. Feature - Order Release Time by Warehouse Location

  37. Newly Received Items Inquiry Not Showing Proper Column as Labeled

  38. Credit Memo with Qty Return Will Reduce Qty Sold in Sales History

  39. Feature - Order Release Log File

  40. Feature - F7 to Print Duplicate Invoice in Invoice History Inquiry

  41. Feature - Receive COP Transfer Order Event

  42. Feature - Location Mask Added To Label File Name

  43. Feature - Support for Minimum Price Changes in Future Price Maintenance and Import

  44. Feature - Added Customer Type to Invoice Print Programs

  45. Feature - Order Acknowledgment Email Contacts

  46. How to Correct Wrong Invoice Date Once It is Posted

  47. Feature - Show Previous Qty OH in Newly Receive Inquiry

  48. Feature - Order Line Item Screen to Prompt WO Type, Buffer Days and Lead Time

  49. Feature - Add Selection Criteria to Print Duplicate Invoice Screen

  50. CP07S1 Customer Order Processing Backorder Audit Trail Report

  51. CP0102 Customer Order Processing Copy Order

  52. CP0308S1 Customer Order Processing Purge Invoice History

  53. CP0400M Customer Order Processing Order Inquiry

  54. CP0400V Customer Order Processing Void Invoice

  55. CP0406 Customer Order Processing Freight Calculation Inquiry

  56. CP0500 Customer Order Processing Sales History Processing

  57. CP0501 Customer Order Processing Sales History Trx Processing

  58. CP0502 Customer Order Processing Post/Purge Sales History Trx

  59. CP0200 Customer Order Processing Print Pick/Pack Tickets and Ship Labels

  60. CP0300 Customer Order Processing Order Billing

  61. CP0503 Customer Order Processing Sales History Reports

  62. CP0504 Customer Order Processing Sales Analysis Reports

  63. CP0507 Customer Order Processing Sales History Period File Maintenance

  64. CP0600 Customer Order Processing Order Status Reports

  65. CP0800 Customer Order Processing COP Setup

  66. CP0701 Customer Order Processing Fill Backorders

  67. CP0901 Customer Order Processing Price Code File Maintenance

  68. CP1001 Customer Order Processing Ship-To File Maintenance

  69. CP01012 Customer Order Processing Newly Received Item Inquiry

  70. CP1101 Customer Order Processing Product Cat/Loc Acct File Maintenance

  71. CP1200 Customer Order Processing Mass Price Change

  72. CP1400 Customer Order Processing Price List Report

  73. CP1600 Customer Order Processing Clear I/M & A/R Accumulators

  74. CP1700 Customer Order Processing Invoice History Inquiry

  75. CP1720 Customer Order Processing Invoice History Report

  76. CP1725S Customer Order Processing Print Duplicate Invoice

  77. CP1800S1 Customer Order Processing Purge Line Item Audit

  78. CP1900 Customer Order Processing Line Item Auditing Inquiry

  79. CP1920 Customer Order Processing Line Item Auditing Report

  80. CPCDPSCN Customer Order Processing Customer Delivery Performance Report

  81. CPCMSMNT Customer Order Processing Sales Commission File Maintenance

  82. CPCNLORD Customer Order Processing Cancel Order

  83. CPCNLPIC Customer Order Processing Cancel Picking Ticket

  84. CPCONMNT Customer Order Processing Contract Pricing

  85. CPCUSITM Customer Order Processing Customer Item File Maintenance

  86. CPCWLPSN Customer Order Processing Purge Customer Wish List

  87. CPCWLSCN Customer Order Processing Customer Wish List Report

  88. CPEXPMNU Customer Order Processing Sales Order Export

  89. CPFUTMNU Customer Order Processing Future Price File Maintenance

  90. CPIMPMNU Customer Order Processing Sales Order Import

  91. CPISSULS Customer Order Processing Issue Serial/Lot Component Items

  92. CPOLSMNT Customer Order Processing Order Serial/Lot File Maintenance

  93. CPOPNSSN Customer Order Processing Open Orders by Salesman Report

  94. CPPAYSCN Customer Order Processing Payment History Report

  95. CPPICMNU Customer Order Processing Pickup Processing

  96. CPPORGSN Customer Order Processing Generate P/O Reference

  97. CPPURSDQ Customer Order Processing Purge Sales Desk Quote

  98. CPQCMMNT Customer Order Processing Quotation Comment Maintenance

  99. CPR01MNT Customer Order Processing User-Defined Code Maintenance

  100. CPR02MNT Customer Order Processing User-Defined Code/Year File Maintenance

  101. CPR03MNT Customer Order Processing Customer User-Defined Code/Year File Maintenance

  102. CPRECMNU Customer Order Processing Recurring Order Processing

  103. CPRESORD Customer Order Processing Release Held Orders

  104. CPRMEMNU Customer Order Processing Print RMA Acknowledgement

  105. CPROIMNU Customer Order Processing Recurring Order Inquiry

  106. CPSBMENU Customer Order Processing Shipment Confirmation

  107. CPSETCUS Customer Order Processing Reset Customer Sales/Cost

  108. Feature - ACH Warning When Changing Order Terms

  109. CPSLSDSK Customer Order Processing Sales Desk

  110. CPFRMMNT Customer Order Processing Invoice Form Setup

  111. Feature - Transfer Qty On Order Status Reports

  112. Feature - Shipping Verification Item Event

  113. Why Does the Sales Order Date Not Match the Entered Date?

  114. Change – Add Salesman No. to Open Order Report by Customer, Change CSV Order of Fields

  115. Feature - Purge WMS Staging Batches

  116. Feature - Sales Order Import Line Item Event

  117. SCLAYOUT Sales Desk Change Customer Data Window

  118. SDLAYOUT Sales Desk Screen Layout

  119. XCP0352 Customer Order Processing Print Invoices

  120. Global Setup for Invoice Printing Time Release Flags

  121. Feature - Order Ship Status Auditing Report

  122. Feature - Check for Duplicate PO During Sales Order Import

  123. Feature - Print Staging Slip by Range Selection of Bin Numbers

  124. What's The Bar Code Symbology Used on Pick Ticket Heading Area?

  125. My Users Are Not Able to Void COP Invoice After Elliott Update

  126. Feature - Display Usage of Item Customer Usage from Inventory Transactions

  127. Feature - Sales Order Import To Warn If Sales or Weight Greater Than Certain Value

  128. Close Transfer Order Requires Resetting ATP and Qty On Order

  129. Feature - Override Order EDI Flag in Order Entry

  130. Feature - Control Packing List Print Depending on Work Order Creation

  131. Feature - Sales Promotion Desk

  132. Feature - Staging Slip Ability to Select Only Order With or Without Work Order

  133. Feature - Stock Analysis Processing

  134. Feature - Cancel and Close Order Option Added to Cancel Pick Ticket Application

  135. Feature - Ability to Process Shipment Verification Over Multiple Days If Using Billing Selection

  136. Security Flag to Allow User to Change COP Incomplete Order to Complete

  137. Feature - Added Payment Inquiry Option to Order/Invoice Inquiry Applications

  138. Feature - Ability to Change EDI Import Path

  139. Feature - Two-Location Support In Sales Desk

  140. Feature - Print Packing List by Box Number

  141. What Do the Statuses Mean on the Order Inquiry Screen?

  142. Feature - Added “Show Customers with Pending Payment Only?” to Release Held Order with Filters

  143. Order Already Shipped. Cannot Be Cancelled Until Shipment Cancelled

  144. Feature - Auto Release Held Order Utility

  145. What Other Programs Can Update Order Date Picked Field?

  146. Feature - Added "Put Away Slip" Section to Staging Slip

  147. Feature - COP Custom Product Structure to Show Price & Cost

  148. Feature - Not Allowing All Customers When Printing Pick Ticket

  149. Feature - Restrict Access to the Open Credit Field in the Order Payment Window

  150. Feature - Add First Line Bin Number Sort to Picking Ticket

  151. In Order Line Item Screen, Got Message "Qty Available Had Changed While You Enter This Line Item"

  152. Feature - New Summary Area for Open Orders by Customer / Fill Back Orders by Customer Report

  153. Suggestion to Implement PDF PostOffice Invoice Based on Invoice History

  154. Why Order Taxable Flag Does Not Change After Customer Taxable Flag Is Changed

  155. How to Export Price Codes to CSV File

  156. How to Create Credit Memo from Invoice History

  157. Feature - Drop Ship Enhancement

  158. Feature - Negative Discount Percent Support

  159. Automatically Create Invoice History Summary by Date Through Defer Processing

  160. Feature - Option to Include Salesman 2 and 3 in the Order Edit List CSV File

  161. Feature - Replacement Sales Order Import to Keep Changed Promise Date

  162. Suppress Nothing in Range Message with Laser Order, Quote and RMA Acknowledgement

  163. Feature - How to Not Update Previous Tracking Note in Shipment Data Update

  164. Feature - Shipment Data Update Event

  165. Feature - Override or Filter Invoice Form Number

  166. Feature - Create ASN Label Records in Order Inquiry

  167. Feature - Print One Invoice with Form Selection

  168. Laser Form Templates Are Missing When Printing Duplicate Invoice

  169. Change - Shipping Verification Box Edit Serial Numbers

  170. Feature - Order Edit List with Order Totals Including Back-Ordered Amounts

  171. Print 4x6 Shipping Labels on Thermal Printer Without Using Bartender

  172. Feature - Add Order Date and Product Category Options for Staging Slip

  173. Feature - Add Product Category Selection to Line Item Audit by Date Screen

  174. Feature - Add Customer Change Option to Order Entry

  175. Feature - Add Prevent Entry for Unit Price When Below Minimum Price or Cost

  176. How to Print Pick Ticket Default to Proper Destination by Location

  177. Feature - EDI Profile Flag to Determine Whether or Not to Print Packing List in Shipment Verification

  178. Feature - EDI Profile to Print One Packing List Per Box from Shipment Verification

  179. Feature - Print Total Number of Cases on Packing List

  180. Feature - Packing List Default Value for Field 7 - Print Unbilled Orders

  181. Feature - Allow Entry of Freight Pay Code/Order Status in Sales Desk

  182. Feature - Add Wish List Access to Order Entry Line Item Search

  183. Feature - Add Printing by First Line Bin to DYO Packing List

  184. Feature - Allow Invoice History Inquiry to Drill Down to Order Inquiry

  185. Feature - Added Parameters to Mass Billing by Range Criteria

  186. Feature - Added Global Setup Field "Print Total Weight On Packing Slip?"

  187. Feature - Convert F4=Custom Prod Stru Window's Components to Regular Line Items

  188. Feature - Add Serial Number to Mass Billing CSV Import

  189. Change - Price Recalculation When Quantity Changes

  190. Feature - Password Protect Erase Shipment Option in Shipping Verification

  191. Feature - Validate PO Number for EDI Orders

  192. Legend for SCN Column in Order Inquiry Shipment Verification Window

  193. Feature - Add Drill Down to Invoice When Searching Invoices by Customer

  194. Feature - PO Number Validation for EDI Customers

  195. Feature - Order Salesman Change Event

  196. Can I Get Alert When Sales Order Ship Date Is Changed?

  197. Feature - Sales Order Import Error Directory Support

  198. How to Fix COP Lock File Error When Printing Invoice

  199. Feature - Print Pick Ticket by Ship-To State

  200. Feature - Checking Restrictive Attribute for Bill to Customer

  201. How to Skip Range of Orders in COP Order Inquiry

  202. Feature - Override Ship-To Cross Reference When Exporting EDI 810 (Invoice) from History

  203. Feature - Order Inquiry Pick Date Status Notation

  204. Feature - Add "Only Release PT-C Orders ?" to Release Held Orders

  205. Feature - Invoice History Printing with Currency Conversion

  206. Feature - Add "F2 = System Date - 1" to Release Held Orders

  207. Feature - New Default Options for Line Item Request Date Cutoff

  208. Feature - Order Inquiry Revision Drill Down

  209. Feature - Erase Order Header Job Number When Convert Quote to Order

  210. Feature - Move Successful Order Import Files to Separate Directory

  211. Feature - COP Transfer Order - Skip Transfer If Transit Days Equal Zero

  212. Feature - Show Collect/Prepaid On Customer Information Screen In Sales Desk

  213. Feature - Support Bill Of Lading Shipping Label by Item Sequence

  214. Feature - Move Successful Mass Billing Import Files to Separate Directory

  215. Feature - Sales Order Import to Support Turnaround Exporting of Order Immediately

  216. Feature - BOL PRO Number Requirements for Printing and Completion

  217. Print Pick Ticket Gradual Slowdown Over the Years

  218. Feature - Trigger an Event When Printing Duplicate Posted Invoices

  219. Feature - Add SHIP-TO-XREF-NO-2 Field for EDI Processing

  220. Feature - Support Lower Case Purchase Order Numbers

  221. How Is Number of Boxes (Cartons) in an Order Calculated in Elliott?

  222. Feature - Shipment Verification For Pallet or Box

  223. Feature - Skip Box Data Collection Screen

  224. Feature - Sales Order Import Request Date Warning

  225. Feature - Sales Order Import ATP Quantity Warning

  226. Feature - Change Customer Data Option in Release Held Orders

  227. Feature - Sales Order Import Not To Warn If Request/Promise Date > ??? Days

  228. Support FFL Number & Expiration Date with Ship-To CSV Import Utility

  229. Post Kit Components Behavior

  230. Sales Order Import Interrupt Error Message

  231. Feature - Prompt Password in WMS/Shipment Verification When Wrong Item or Over Shipment Happens

  232. Feature - Prevent Drill Down Newly Received Item Inquiry from Sales Desk If User Does Not Have Menu Access

  233. Feature - Only Show Active Items in Newly Received Item Inquiry

  234. Issues Creating PO Requisitions After Running Out Of Order Numbers

  235. Feature - Export Serial Number with ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice / 856)

  236. Feature - Print Item Notes on Staging Slip

  237. What Are the Possible Values for the COP Order Release Flag?

  238. Feature - Added the Ability to Create an Event in COP Void Invoice

  239. Feature - Added Global Setup Field to Allow Ship-To Salesman Default to Spaces

  240. Feature - Add Update to Item Audit File When Running Future Price Posting

  241. Feature - Import of Shipment Tracking Number for Sales Order Through CSV File

  242. Feature - Print Pick Tickets Using a Ship Via Group

  243. Feature - Sales Desk Trial Lock Logic to Prevent Locking Storm

  244. Feature - Prompt Addr & Phone in Order Ack and Email

  245. Feature - Customer File "Backorder OK?" to Add "A" (Always) Option

  246. Feature - Initialize Order Line Item BOMP WO Fields When Partial Shipment Is Posted

  247. Meaning of Global User Security - Allow User Manually Confirm Shipment Verification

  248. Sales History Transaction Processing Loc/Item List Stuck

  249. Feature - Stock Analysis List Add Date Range and Print Open Batch Only Options

  250. How is the Price Determined in Sales Order Import?

  251. Kits, Component Price Code Application, Kit Price Code Application

  252. Allow Auto Popup Customer or Item Notes in Order Entry with Read Only Option

  253. Popup Customer or Ship-To Notes in Shipment Verification

  254. Round COP Line Item Unit Price to 2 (Two) Decimals

  255. Manifest Orders Status Report to Export CSV Shows Blank Result

  256. What Is The Purpose of Field CPORDHDR_FRT_ENT_MTHD in COP Order Header?

  257. Feature - Mass Billing Selection by Ship Via Group

  258. Shipped Data Export Integrity Check

  259. Add Ship Via Code Selection to Shipped Data Export (ASN)

  260. Feature - Pick Ticket/Packing List - Print Orders with WO Line Item Only Flag

  261. Feature - Staging Slip Orders with WO Line Item Only Flag

  262. Change - Close Order without Checking Partial Ship Flag

  263. Feature - Do Not Print Pick Ticket If There's Insufficient Qty to Ship

  264. Maximum Path & File Length for Sales Order Import

  265. Feature - Print Pick Ticket to Create Transfer Batch to Use Ship Date - Buffer Days

  266. Feature - Relaxed Auto Credit Release

  267. Why Was This Invoice Printed but Not Posted?

  268. Feature - COP WMS Interface for Orders Closed/Cancelled/Fully Posted/Deleted

  269. In Sales Order Import, City, State and Zip Code Is Incorrect

  270. Added Preview Option to Shipped Order Data Export

  271. Feature - Control Deletion of Box Shipment Records

  272. Feature - Sales Order Import Places Orders With Duplicate Purchase Order Numbers On Hold

  273. Feature - Determine Salesman By Division

  274. How to Reverse Wrong Credit Card Amount in Order Entry Payment Window

  275. Feature - Mass Close Order by Item to Skip Non-Backorder Line Items

  276. Feature - Mass Close Backorder Line Items by Customer

  277. Feature - Add Decimal Value to Case Quantity on Picking Ticket

  278. Printing Pick Ticket to Put Order on Hold if Missing Purchase Order Number

  279. Feature - Mass Fill BO by Batch Trial Fill with System Date + or - Number of Days Option

  280. Change Customer Number or Create New Customer and Import Ship-To

  281. Feature - Add HTML Version of Order Acknowledgement Email

  282. Feature - Shipment Confirmation Sort By Picking Sequence

  283. Feature - Added Item Price Mismatch Event in Sales Order Import

  284. Feature - Added the Ability to Copy the Ship-To Contact Phone Number to the Country Field

  285. Feature - Flag Held Order As Reviewed

  286. VICS BOL - Customer and Carrier Not in Balance Message

  287. How to Handle Sales Tax for Colorado Retail Delivery Fee (RDF)

  288. Feature - Option Not to Auto Release Order if Order & Customer Terms Codes Mismatch

  289. Feature - Colorado Sales Tax Retail Delivery Fee (RDF) Support

  290. Enforce UPC in the Picking Ticket Print for EDI Trading Partners

  291. Feature - Release Held Orders to Filter by Tax Reason

  292. Feature - Pick Ticket Printing for Not Equal to Customer Type

  293. Feature - Handle Sales History Trx Edit List by Location/Item When CP3HS999 is Reached

  294. Feature - Put Orders on Hold for Specific Salesman

  295. Feature - Add HTML Version of Quote Acknowledgement

  296. Duplicate Serial Number Handling in Shipment Verification

  297. Feature - Create Number of Shipping Labels Based on Customer Item Case Size

  298. Feature - Support Copying of COP Transfer Order

  299. Feature - Import for Product Category / Location Account File

  300. Feature - Enter Salesman 2 and 3 with 0% (Zero Percent)

  301. Feature - Add HTML Version of Shipment Acknowledgement Email

  302. Feature - Added "Enforce Price Code Price Progression Rule" Global Setup Flag

  303. How to Remove Order Locked Message During Invoice Printing

  304. How to Determine If An Invoice Is Fully Paid

  305. Feature - Add HTML Version of Sales Desk Quote Acknowledgement

  306. F2 Comment Does Not Print on Invoice Consistently

  307. What Causes COP Invoice Posting to Back Date?

  308. Contact Name, Email, and Phone Number Show in Order Comments

  309. What Do O/S or OS Literals Mean in Elliott?

  310. How to Find Out All Closed or Canceled Line Items from a Customer

  311. Feature - Add Additional Selection Parameters for Shipment Email

  312. Feature - Shipment Acknowledgement Email for Academy Drop Ship

  313. Why There's No Valid Line Item To Print on Pick Ticket

  314. Feature - Support Payment Record in Sales Order Import

  315. Feature - Expanded Laser Picking Ticket

  316. Feature - Release Held Order Customer Type Filter

  317. Feature - Display Component Description Customized BOMP

  318. Feature - Print Duplicate Posted Invoices with System Date + or - Number of Days Option

  319. Feature - Disable "ToBePrinted" When Printing Duplicate Posted Invoices

  320. How to Test & Set Up Emailing PDF PostOffice with Duplicate Invoice Option

  321. Feature - Order Inquiry F5 Options to Filter the List of Orders

  322. Feature - Mass Billing by CSV 3rd Party WMS and Event Support

  323. Feature - Tracking Number Import 3rd Party WMS and Event Support

  324. Feature - Added Archive Function to Sales Order Import File Search Window

  325. How to Print Order Line Item Notes on Invoice

  326. Feature - Override Cross Ship By State

  327. The Impact of Changing Item Selling Unit of Measure and Ratio

  328. Feature - Change Sales Order From Incomplete to Complete Status Event

  329. Feature - Display Line Item Reason Code in Order Inquiry

  330. Feature - Allow Over Allocation for Certain Locations and Users

  331. Feature - Restricted Attributes that Apply to Certain Warehouse Locations

  332. Feature - Show User, Date, and Time Last Marked Incomplete When Changing an Incomplete Order

  333. Feature - Pick Ticket Printing Supports Bin Records in Delimited File Format Exports

  334. Feature - Invoiced Line Item Posted Event

  335. Feature - Invoice Posted For Customer Event

  336. Can I Delete a Ship-To Location in COP?

  337. Feature - Mass Billing by CSV Error Directory Support

  338. Feature - Allow or Suppress Users' Right to See $ Amounts on Open Order Status Reports

  339. Feature - Skip Orders With Duplicate PO Numbers in Sales Order Import

  340. Feature - Mass Billing by CSV Multi-Bin Support

  341. Feature - Minnesota Sales Tax Retail Delivery Fee (RDF) Support

  342. Feature - Zoro Tools Packing List Support - Design Your Own

  343. I Get a Message -- "Ship Via Code Setup" -- and the Picking Ticket Does Not Print

  344. Feature - UDR Sales History Salesman Analysis by Year/Month/Customer

  345. Feature - Mass Billing By CSV Initialize Freight Option

  346. Feature - Mass Billing By CSV Auto Select Negative Qty Ordered

  347. Feature - MSC Packing List Support - Design Your Own

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