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Inventory Management

  1. Long-Term vs. Short-Term Inventory Quantity Available and Inventory with Timeline

  2. Introduction to Available to Promise (ATP)

  3. Inventory Aging Report by Location Sequence Produces Different Result Than by Other Sequence

  4. Inventory Aging Report Shows Different Age Between Single and All Locations

  5. Multiple Users Entering Physical Count Tag at the Same Time Issue

  6. Expand Item Description 1 and 2 Character Limit

  7. How Different is an IM Kit from a BOMP Kit?

  8. Explanation on Component Availability Inquiry

  9. How Is Shortcut Item Different from Kit Item?

  10. No Privilege to View Location History

  11. How to Calculate EOQ (Economic Order Quantity)

  12. Item Quantity Allocation Is Incorrect

  13. Reorder Advice Custom CSV Export Shows Zero Items

  14. Elliott Physical Count Processing

  15. Feature - Add-On Item Drill Down From Item Search

  16. Feature - Utility to Reset Item PTD Fields from Location History

  17. Feature - Inventory Snapshot

  18. Feature - ATP Regen to Consider Order Multiple and Economic Order Qty

  19. Feature - Item Master Activity Sub-Code

  20. Feature - Add Support for the Update of “Mostly Mfg Flag” in Change Existing Item Import

  21. Feature - Auto Delete BOMP Product Structure When Item Obsolete

  22. Feature - Item Linkage Report/Processing

  23. Feature - Added the Ability to Organize Product Categories by a New Product Category Group

  24. Procedure to Correct Bad Serial Number with Special Symbol

  25. Feature - Additional SY12MONS Updates

  26. Feature - Additional Activity Codes for Item Linkage CSV Report and Item Linkage Processing

  27. Feature - Item Number Wild Card Support for Starting Item Number

  28. Feature - Obsolete Kit Parent When First Component is Obsolete

  29. Feature - Show Items with Qty Variance on Tag Variance Reports

  30. IM01S3 Inventory Management Iten Audit Trail Report

  31. IM04S2 Inventory Management Inventory Transaction Audit Report

  32. IM02S2 Inventory Management Inventory Location Audit Trail Report

  33. IM03S1 Inventory Management Usage Exception Reports

  34. IM06SCN Inventory Management Stock Status Report

  35. IM08S1 Inventory Management Print Cycle Count Worksheet

  36. IM14S1 Inventory Management Item History Report

  37. IM19S1 Inventory Management Serial/Lot Stock Status Report

  38. IM19S2 Inventory Management Serial/Lot Issue History Report

  39. IM20S1 Inventory Management I/M Distribution to G/L Report

  40. IM26SCN Inventory Management Frozen Stock Status Report

  41. IM30S1 Inventory Management Kit Where-Used Report

  42. IM31S1 Create Unreleased POs by Vendor

  43. IM32S1 Inventory Management Kit Gross Requirements Report

  44. IM0201 Inventory Management Location Control File Maintenance

  45. IM0405 Inventory Management Available To Promise Inquiry

  46. IM0500 Inventory Management Stock Status Inquiry

  47. IM0500Q Inventory Management Stock Status Inquiry

  48. IM0700 Inventory Management ABC Analysis Reports

  49. IM0900 Inventory Management Reordering Advice Reports

  50. IM1000 Inventory Management Physical Count Processing

  51. Feature - Utility to Reset Item PTD/YTD Fields from Location History

  52. IM1100 Inventory Management Utilities Setup

  53. IM1201 Inventory Management Location File Maintenance

  54. IM1300 Inventory Management Recalculate Reorder Fields

  55. IM1400 Inventory Management Clear Item Accumulators

  56. IM1501 Inventory Management Product Category File Maintenance

  57. IM1601 Inventory Management Material Cost Type File Maintenance

  58. IM1701 Inventory Management Material Cost Type/Loc File Maintenance

  59. IM1801 Inventory Management Buyer/Analyst Code File Maintenance

  60. IM1901 Inventory Management Initialize Lifo/Fifo File

  61. IM1902 Inventory Management Adjust Item File to Lifo/Fifo

  62. IM1903 Inventory Management Serial/Lot Processing/Multi-bin Utilities

  63. IM1904 Inventory Management Serial/Lot Stock Status Inquiry

  64. Feature - Add Additional Record Types to Reorder Advice User-Defined CSV Export

  65. IM2500 Inventory Management Reset Allocated Quantities

  66. IM2700 Inventory Management Set Trx Audit File Beginning Balances

  67. IM2800 Inventory Management Freeze Inventory

  68. IM2900 Inventory Management Kit File Maintenance

  69. IM3301 Inventory Management Job Code File Maintenance

  70. IM3400 Inventory Management Job Analysis Report

  71. IMACTMNT Inventory Management I/M Account File Maintenance

  72. IMAGESCN Inventory Management Inventory Aging Report

  73. IMATPGSN Inventory Management Generate ATP File

  74. IMATPRSN Inventory Management Available to Promise Report

  75. IMBININV Inventory Management Bin Inventory File Maintenance

  76. IMBINMNT Inventory Management Bin File Maintenance

  77. IMBINTRN Inventory Management Inventory Transfer Processing

  78. IMCHGBIN Inventory Management Change Bin No/Pick Seq

  79. IMEXPTSN Inventory Management Export Item for Take an Order

  80. IMFRMMNT Inventory Management Item Label Form Setup

  81. IMGENMNU Inventory Management Generate Location History

  82. IMIMSITM Inventory Management Item Import Utility

  83. IMITMUDS Inventory Management Item User-Defined Fields Import Utility

  84. IMSUBMNT Inventory Management Substitute Item Class File Maintenance

  85. IMUSRMNT Inventory Management User-Defined Code File Maintenance

  86. IMVESMNT Inventory Management Vessel File Maintenance

  87. IMVLSMNT Inventory Management I/M Serial/Lot History File Maintenance

  88. Feature - Expanded Selection Parameters for Reorder Advice User Defined CSV Export

  89. Change - Update Both Kit Parent and Components Usage

  90. Feature - Create Price Code 1 from Item Minimum Price Utility

  91. Change - Available to Promise by Item Report - Add Item Description 2

  92. Feature - Support AR (Attribute) Type in Reorder Advice User Defined CSV Export

  93. Can System Default Item User-Defined Code?

  94. Feature - Item Label Printing Enhancements

  95. Feature - Ability to Initialize Character Fields During Change Existing Item Import

  96. Understanding Status Code at Inventory Transfer Dispatch Screen

  97. Feature - Support GTIN Based on Two Different UPC Codes

  98. Feature - Update Estimated Date/Time When Printing Transfer Tickets

  99. Feature - Allow Physical Count Tag Import Without Serial Number

  100. Feature - Delete Kit Components When Item Activity Code is Set to 'O'

  101. Feature - New QTYAVAILBYCOMP Attribute Fields

  102. Feature - Allow GTIN Maintenance in I/M Change Bin No/Pick Seq Processing

  103. Feature - Improvements to Reorder Advice Reports

  104. What Is the Difference Between INV_TRX_UN_COST and INV_TRX_NEW_AVG_COST in IMINVTRX Table?

  105. Feature - Added a Function "Create Inventory Trx CSV Import"

  106. Feature - Added Support to “Create I/M Trx CSV Import” for Kit Items

  107. Feature - Improvements to QTYAVAILBYCOMP and QTYAVAILBYCOMP2 Attributes

  108. Feature - Add Desc2 Column to Item Linkage CSV Report

  109. Feature - Numeric Item List Changes

  110. Feature - Added 1C and LD Column Types to Reordering Advice User Defined CSV Export

  111. What's the Difference Between Lead Time & Planning Lead Time?

  112. Explanation of ATP LP Type - Negative Sign (-) vs (*) Symbols

  113. IM0000 Inventory Management Package Overview 7

  114. IM0000 Inventory Management Package Overview 1

  115. IM0000 Inventory Management Package Overview 2

  116. IM0000 Inventory Management Package Overview 3

  117. IM0000 Inventory Management Package Overview 4

  118. IM0000 Inventory Management Package Overview 6

  119. IM0000 Inventory Management Package Overview 5

  120. IM0000 Inventory Management Package Overview 8

  121. IM0000 Inventory Management Package Overview: Index

  122. IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance 1

  123. IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance 2

  124. IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance 3

  125. IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance 4

  126. IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance 5

  127. IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance 6

  128. IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance 7

  129. IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance 8

  130. IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance: Index

  131. IM2400 Inventory Management Inventory Transaction Processing 1

  132. IM2400 Inventory Management Inventory Transaction Processing 2

  133. IM2400 Inventory Management Inventory Transaction Processing 3

  134. IM2400 Inventory Management Inventory Transaction Processing 4

  135. IM2400 Inventory Management Inventory Transaction Processing 5

  136. IM2400 Inventory Management Inventory Transaction Processing 6

  137. IM2400 Inventory Management Inventory Transaction Processing 7

  138. IM2400 Inventory Management Inventory Transaction Processing: Index

  139. How to Run Inventory Stock Status Report for a Certain Date

  140. Feature - Transition to Obsolete

  141. Item Last Received Date Not Updated When Received from I/M Transaction Processing

  142. Feature - Zero Item Weight When Using F3 to Copy Item

  143. Feature - Initialize User-Defined Note, Date and Amount Fields When Using F3 to Copy Item

  144. What Information Is Stored in the Location History (IMLOCHST) Table?

  145. Feature - Prevent Excel from Dropping Leading Zeroes in CSV Item Number Field

  146. Feature - Added User ID to User Defined CSV Export

  147. Feature - User Defined CSV Export Item Batch Support

  148. Feature - Export Inventory TRX Audit Trail to CSV

  149. Feature - Add User-Defined Code Table Support in IM User-Defined CSV Export

  150. Feature - Added “Item 1st Received Date Range” Criteria to Item User Defined CSV Export

  151. How to Get a List of Items That Does Not Have GTIN Code Defined

  152. Feature - User Defined CSV Export Quantity Sold by Customer#, Customer Type or Customer Group

  153. Feature - Added inKit (IK) and inBOMP (IB) Column Types to the User-Defined CSV Report

  154. Feature - Added Phantom Locking to Item File Maintenance

  155. Feature - Added CSV Support to the Physical Count Posting Update Edit List and the Variance Report By Item/Warehouse

  156. Feature - Inventory Transfer Management Batches Using CSV Import

  157. Limitations for Inventory Aging Report

  158. Feature - ATP Inquiry Number of Days from Today

  159. Feature - Added Report to "Set TRX Audit File Beginning Balances"

  160. Feature - Added Product Category Selection Range to ABC Analysis Reports

  161. Feature - Added Days Out of Stock (DOS) Column to the Location History Information, Sales Desk Info - Screen

  162. Feature - Show Turn Over Ratio (TOR) in Stock Status Inquiry

  163. Feature - Added Browse Through Items When in the Stock Status Inquiry

  164. Why Isn't Planning Lead Time Based on Work Days?

  165. Feature - Add to New Item Import the Ability to Enter 3 Line Item Taxable Flags

  166. Feature - Prevent Item Record Deletion if BOMP Cost Master Record Exists

  167. Feature - Change Existing Item Import to Import Line Item Tax Flags

  168. Feature - Added the Ability to Control Access to the Prompt "Zero Quantity On Hand For Missing Tag Items ?"

  169. Feature - Added CSV Support to the Item Audit Trail Report

  170. Feature - Item Generic Search to Show Item Quantity Greater than Zero Only

  171. Feature - Move Successful Inventory Transaction Processing Import

  172. Blanket POs Not Displaying on Stock Status ATP Screen

  173. Feature - Allow L+ and L- for Source in ATP Inquiry

  174. Feature - Add Item Age, Cost, and Extended Cost to Cycle Count Worksheet CSV Export

  175. Inventory Stock Status Report of a Certain Date

  176. Item Quantity Allocated Is Not Updated

  177. What Are The Definitions of Various Item End Item Codes?

  178. Feature - Add Multiple Planning Types to Show in ATP Process Criteria

  179. In Location History, What Does the Asterisk Symbol Beside the Month Mean?

  180. Feature - Print Transfer Ticket Event

  181. Feature - Post Transfer Ticket Event

  182. Feature - Stock Status Inquiry Store Location in Registry

  183. Change - Change Definition of Usage Type's in User Def CSV

  184. How to Mass Update Item Master's Bin No/Pick Sequence

  185. Feature - Reorder Advice/User Defined CSV Export Example 1 - Item Quantity & History

  186. Feature - Reorder Advice/User Defined CSV Export Introduction

  187. Feature - Reorder Advice/User Defined CSV Export Example 2 - ATP (Available to Promise)

  188. Feature - New Item Import Through CSV File

  189. Feature - Addition of TOR, QtyOH, OHValue to Stock Status Inquiry

  190. Feature - Addition of Kit and BOMP Component Counts in QTYAVAILBYCOMP2 Attribute

  191. Feature - Add Stocking UOM Variable to ADDITEM Event in Item File Maintenance

  192. Feature - Added an Est End (Estimated End) to the BOMP Operator File Inquiry Screen

  193. Elliott Automatically Adds Destination Location for Transfer If Item Is Not Stocked

  194. Common Issues Raise Questions about QTYAVAILBYCOMP Stock Qty Avail

  195. Feature - Added QI (Qty Sold in Invoice History) Data Type to the User Defined CSV Export

  196. Feature - Added ^TRANSFERBATCHS Attribute to Track Transfer Batches from Sales Orders

  197. Feature - Add User-Defined Literals to Transfer Ticket

  198. How Is Scheduled Qty Avail Calculated in QTYAVAILBYCOMP Attribute for a Purchase Item?

  199. How Is Scheduled Qty Avail Calculated in QTYAVAILBYCOMP Attribute for a Manufacture Item?

  200. Feature - Create Hold Trx when Posting Inventory Trx

  201. Feature - Item Generic Search to Show Items with QtyOH <> Zero

  202. Feature - Add Age Days and Last Calculated Date to Stock Status Inquiry

  203. Feature - Next UPC Code Assignment Enhancement

  204. Feature - Change QTYAVAILBYCOMP “Stock Qty Avail” Calculation Logic

  205. Feature - Allow Web Item Flag = Space to Use Product Category's Web Flag

  206. Feature - Allow to Select by Include Web Items Only Flag in User Defined CSV Export

  207. Feature - Add New Selection Parameters to Hold Trx Edit List

  208. Feature - Add Multi-bin Support to Hold Trx Edit List

  209. Feature - Allow Original Entering User to Access Transfer Batch After Assigning to Another User

  210. Change - Do Not Prompt Non-Multi-Bin Users to Complete Transfer Batch

  211. If I Override the Value in QTYAVAILBYCOMP* Attribute to Zero, Will that Zero Value Stay?

  212. Feature - Support P/M/MM/MP Value in QTYAVAILBYCOMP Attribute from the First Kit Mfg Item

  213. Feature - Inventory Transfer Management Edit List Enhancement

  214. "The Price Check Digit of the Number You Entered Is Incorrect" with UPC Code

  215. Using Special Characters in Elliott Item Numbers

  216. Feature - Inventory Transfer Edit List Add More Parameters

  217. Inventory Transfer Batch Number Repeating

  218. Feature - Inventory Transfer Edit List to Filer by User ID

  219. Change - Modify Transfer Transaction List to Include New Fields

  220. Feature - Extra Item Data Last Access Update

  221. Feature - Enhanced 13-Digit UPC (EAU-13) Code Support

  222. Feature - Disallow GTIN in UPC Code Field in Item Extra Data

  223. How to Enable Add-on Sales Items Feature

  224. Feature - Prod Cat and UDC F7 Search from Within Item User Search

  225. Elliott Is Moving Away from Real-Time Inventory Update Method

  226. Store Dimension Data in Elliott Item with _DIMENSION Attribute

  227. Feature - Transfer History Inquiry & Drill Down from BOMP Work Order Inquiry

  228. Feature - Added a Reason Field to the Serial Correction Tool

  229. Feature - Serial Correction Tool Change Event

  230. Support Order Customer Item Info on Item Barcode Label

  231. Feature - Multi-Bin Physical Count Enhancement

  232. Feature - Support Product Category, User-Defined Code and Material Type in Item Audit Master

  233. Feature - Import for Material Cost Type Location Account File

  234. Feature - Add Flexibility to User-Defined CSV Column Heading by Supporting Variables

  235. Feature - Multi-Bin Physical Count Location Wildcard Support

  236. Feature - Add Starting/Ending User-Defined Codes Selection to Item 3PL Export

  237. How to Export Item to 3PL for the Net Change Records Only

  238. Serial Number ASCII Text File Format for Import

  239. Feature - Create a Transfer Batch to Transfer out the Entire Contents of One Bin

  240. Feature - Generate QTYAVAILBYCOMP* Attribute for Secondary Warehouse Locations

  241. Hold Trx - Inventory Quantities Changed at Another Workstation Record Not Saved

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