Adding Material to Work Order Already Printed
Users want to be able to add material to a work order that's already been printed. For example, if there's part ABC-123 for the work order with quantity per of 2, but the floor sees there's none in stock but they can use part DEF-123 instead, they want to change the work order.
Elliott allows them to report 0, say yes for any changes, then hit F2 to add material. However, it does not let the user add a quantity of 0. User wants to be able to say DEF-123 requires 1 per, but 0 so far. This way the allocation for DEF-123 is created (based on the qty per entered, and total quantity for the order), and then user can delete ABC-123 from this specific work order.
Attached file shows the screen where user adds the new item, but cannot put 0 as the quantity.
There is a similar item to track material shortage which we recently completed and will be released shortly. See the following URL:
This may or may not resolve your issue. We are not sure your intention to add DEF-123 without reporting the materials in production screen. Regardless, we know the current limitation of stopping users from changing the plus work order once the work order is started. We intend to lift this limitation and make it more flexible. For example, if the material had not been reported yet, then even if the work order is started, we should allow the change of materials through work order entry screen. A new idea will be added in this area. If you support his concept, please add your support. Thank you