Shipping Verification and Non-Stock items
Shipping Verification will force non-stocked items into Box 1, regardless of what box is actually being filled.
At Mercer Tool, there are many items purchased from an outside source, typically for one-off shipments - that would make no sense to set up as Stocked. Often these are custom made, and are shipped complete as soon as they arrive.
However, since they are not set up as stocked, shipping verification doesn't work as planned, since all these items will go into Box 1 automatically. Often these items are heavy, and can not all be forced into the same box.
Please consider providing the option to allow non-stocked items to be entered in the computer, in the actual box they are in. (Note, Kit items, which are also typically non-stocked, work correctly). Without this ability, the Tool division of the company will be hard-pressed to use Shipping Verification successfully.
We could add a global setup flag to treat non-stock item like a stock item in shipping verification, and by default this flag is not enabled so it does not affect other users.