Customer Favorite Items
Elliott currently supports Wish List items, which are items that customers would like to buy but cannot for some reason at the moment the item is added to the wish list. Its a great reminder system to build sales.
The support for favorite items should also be added. Favorite items are basically a list of items the dealers likes to order. The process to add an item to a dealer's favorite list could be handled in sales desk similar to the wish list items. Any active item could be added to a favorite list.
Users should be able to view and maintain favorite items from sales desk similar to wish list items. They could have an expiration date as well.
Favorites should be tracked by cusno / ship-to combination as different stores under the same account could have different favorites.
Duplicate entries for the same item for the same cusno/ship-to combination should not be allowed.
Possible table fields are:
Cusno (key)
Shipto (key)
ItemNo (key)
ExpirationDate (if needed)
To complement the favorites functionality, there should also be a utility process that removes Obsolete and expired items from all favorite lists.
There should also be a new associated web service to interact with the customer favorites. Basic add, remove and listing functionality should be included with all of the required validation of customers, ship-to's, items, etc... It would be helpful to return item information, quantity and current pricing information in the listing method as well, if it is requested, to avoid multiple web service calls to get complete data. The ability to get a smaller set of data with just the item info would be very helpful as well.
Optional paging by specifying a starting and ending record number would probably be a good idea as favorite lists could grow quite large if left unchecked.
Favorite data could also be incorporated into other Elliott functions as well, such as buyer's desk, eStore and other reporting.
We already discuss this issue and this will probably handled by a different strategic.