Change Owner of Tracking Note Instead of Deleting It
This idea is to have the Invoice Post change the owner of the tracking note instead of deleting it or leaving it as a tracking note in the Order Header. The note would still be created for the invoice with the owner STARSHIP so it retains the tracking number lookup, but the note attached to the Order Header would change the owner to the user posting invoices if the invoice is partially posted (backorders exist). This would retain the tracking number, but the order would need a new tracking note to meet the Tracking Number Required criteria.
The Post Invoice To AR Global Setup flag 7 would be changed to allow a fourth option of C, Change Tracking Note Owner.
I have some reservation of this change. Once we change the owner of the note, then when you bring up the note, right click on the tracking number, the on-line with UPS, FedEx capability will be lost.