Order Import - add an option to move a GOOD file to a folder
When doing Order Import, Netcellent introduced new flags, 26 and 27 that handles the move of a file with errors to a different folder, this is a good feature. For good files. Elliott deletes the import file. My understanding from a conversation with Mark is that this logic of NOT archiving the import file is because of the assumption that the file already created in an EDI system and exists there. But if the import is NOT from EDI (maybe the partner created it in the required format), forcing the user to save it in 2 places is an extra step. I suggest to add 2 flags, "Move good files to a folder?" and the folder location. If user answer N to the first question continue to delete the file, but user will be able to save the import file. There is a point of the file name (in case the same file name is used), so adding a date-time stamp to the file name will prevent overriding previous files. Thanks.
This feature is available in Elliott version 8.29.212. See http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/1896151-feature-move-successful-order-import-files-to-se for more information.