Allow to use PO# instead of Invoice # in Cash receipt Import
As more electronic cash receipt files are based on the customer PO and not invoice number or order number I suggest to allow to use PO# in column H instead of Invoice #. The system will then check if the value is a valid invoice and apply the payment to the invoice or valid PO and using the CPPOREF will get the invoice and apply to the invoice. There is a potential issue if the same PO was used for more than one invoice and I am not sure how to handle this situation. This will be a huge help for customers like Amazon. I already created a modification for an 8.2 customer and think it will be a valuable feature in 8.5.
A possible solution is to add a new column "K. PO Number" and create an alternative to provide "A. Customer No" + "K. PO Number" as valid combination. But if the Customer + PO number is not unique, system will detect that and give error. Then it is up to the user to add additional information like invoice or order number to those duplicate rows to make it unique.