In GL Interfacing from Other Package, default to Use Customer/Vendor Name instead of Number
In General Ledger -> Processing -> Interface from Other Packages -> Interface, when user choose to interface with "AP", then system will prompt:
* Using Vendor Number or Name
If user choose to interface with "AR", then system will prmopt:
* Using Customer Number or Name
Currently, system always default to use Vendor or Customer Number. However, most of the users prefer to use Vendor or Customer Name. So it may be desirable to introduce G/L Global Setup Flags to determine the default value so users does not have to override the system default each time.
AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc.
(CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.)
This project was completed and released in Elliott 7.56.308/8.06.308 release.