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I Am Unable to Create a New User in Elliott

Problem: When I try to add a user in Elliott, I don't get an error but the user is not created.

The newer versions of Pervasive are able to read files in an older format, but can not update or modify the file. Usually, you would get an error 046 when an update is attempted, but user maintenance in Password Setup doesn't produce an error.  You can view the file version through the BUTIL command: BUTIL -STAT SYSPASS.BTR

In our example, the file version is prior to version 6.00, which Pervasive 11 is unable to update.  You can use the Pervasive Rebuild utility to reset the file to the latest version.  We recommend you make a copy of the file before you rebuild.

Make sure the file format is for 9.5 for Pervasive 11 or 12.  Leave the other settings at their default values.  It would be best to rebuild the file when users are not in Elliott, but the file is only read for menu access and can be rebuilt in the middle of the day without much consequence.


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