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Work Order Plus Management Manual 5

Operator Time Clock Inquiry/Maintenance

Application Overview

Operator Time Clock Inquiry/Maintenance is an interface to browse the time clock history of an operator.  A time clock entry is a record of a period of time when an operator is at work.  For example, an operator arrives to work at 8am, has meal break from 12pm to 1pm, and leaves at 5pm.  The operator will have 2 time clock records: one starts at 8am and ends at 12pm, while the other starts at 1pm and ends at 5pm.  Each time clock record is called a Time Clock Session in WO+.  This operator could work for multiple work orders in a session or take a break or have a meeting in the same session. The detail activities are called Time Clock Detail in WO+.  Time clock detail can be labor for a production or for other activities.  This application provides an interactive interface to inquire these history records.  Advanced editing of the time clock session details are available in maintenance mode.


This interface is not available from any of Elliott’s menus, but can be accessed by drilling down from Operator Inquiry with the F1 Key.  Also, it can be selected from Advanced Options in Work Order Production or Work Center Operation.


The most current operator activity is displayed above the separator line.  If the operator is working on a production, brief information about the production, like order number, item number, operation number and planned quantity, will be displayed.  Below the separator line would display different information for different views.


By default, all of the time clock data for an operator is displayed.  The data is not refreshed unless the F5 Key is pressed or a field is edited.  You can specify how many days to display by default in BOMP Global Setup field 34, Default Days to Show on Oper Time Clock Scrn.  It can be overridden from this interface.  The most recent records are displayed first.

(Figure 37) Operator Time Clock, Time Clock Session View


This interface consists of five views, Time Clock Session View, Time Clock Detail View, Direct Labor View, Shared Labor View and Special Operation View.  Use the F1 Key to toggle between these views.


Time Clock Session View


Time Clock Session View lists all sessions of one operator.  Each session has a starting time and ending time.  If a session has no ending time, it is a current session that has not ended.  Normally an operator will have two sessions each day.  One starts when the operator arrives for work and ends for a lunch break.  The second starts when the operator returns and ends when the operator leaves for the day.  For each session, the system calculates the hours spent in productive activities, non-productive activities and breaks.  The system displays the hours and respective percentage of total hours.  The total performance evaluation of all sessions are displayed on the bottom of the screen.


(Figure 38) Operator Time Clock, Detail of one Session


The following functions are available in this view:

  • Use Up, Down, Page Up and Page Down to navigate the highlighted bar.
  • Use the Enter Key to drill down to session detail as shown in Figure 38.
  • Use the F1 Key to change View.
  • Use the F3 Key to bring up Advanced Options.  Options include changing display date and exception mark.  The exception mark is an asterisk “*” on the left of one session line and indicates that the session record has been modified through Exception Handling.
  • Use the F4 Key to bring up Exception Handling options.
  • Use the F5 Key to refresh all records.


Time Clock Detail View


(Figure 39) Operator Time Clock, Time Clock Detail View


Time Clock Detail View lists all session details of an operator.  Time clock details are detail records describing what the operator did during a time clock session.  For each detail record, the system will display a brief description.  The first record will be the last activity for the operator.  If it is current activity, the system will display an asterisk “*” to the right of the line.


The status of a time clock detail may be “Undefined”.  This means the operator is present, but activity has not been specified.  For example, an operator arrives at the company and clocks into Elliott, but the manager has not assigned a job to the operator.  The operator can report himself as idle.  It may be time clock history was edited and a detail record was removed.


The following functions are available in this view:

  • Use Up, Down, Page Up and Page Down to navigate the highlighted bar.
  • Use the Enter Key to drill down to Production Detail if the operator is working on a production for that session detail.
  • Use the F1 Key to change View.
  • Use the F3 Key to bring up Advanced Options.  Options include further drill-downs, changing display date and display of the exception mark.  The exception mark is an asterisk “*” to the left of one session line, indicating that the session record has been modified through Exception Handling.
  • Use the F4 Key to bring up Exception Handling options.
  • Use the F5 Key to refresh all records.




Direct Labor View, Shared Labor View and Special Operation View


These three views are subsets of Time Clock Detail View.  Direct Labor View lists all session details for direct labor.  Shared Labor View lists all session details for shared labor.  Special Operation View lists all session details which are not directly related to a production.  Available functions are the same as those in Time Clock Detail View.


(Figure 40) Operator Time Clock, Direct Labor View


(Figure 41) Operator Time Clock, Shared Labor View


(Figure 42) Operator Time Clock, Special Operation View

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