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Error: Trx Date Outside Date Range (00/00/00 - 00/00/00)

Release Date: 7/23/2018

QI have entered new quantities for inventory for the end of our fiscal year (June 30). I have only done this once before so I may have not done it correctly. When I go to post I get the following error:

I checked my Global Setup for periods and that appears OK. Any help you can throw my way would be much appreciated!

A It seems you turned on System Period Control in Global Setup, but in the IM module you did not put a date range (Starting/Ending) in the system. So the system treats 00/00/00 to 00/00/00 as the valid ranage.
  1. Enter the Starting and Ending date (i.e., 06/01/18 to 06/30/19) or
  2. Change action from “N” (Not allow) to “X” (No checking) 


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