Feature - ASCII File Filter Condition in Mass Email and Export Processor
This feature allows the user to specify an ASCII file to use as the filter condition when running Mass Email or the Export Processor application. New selection criteria has been added to the Filter tab. Users must choose if they will use the standard filter conditions or if they would like to use an ASCII file with selected keys for the selection criteria.

The default behavior is to use the standard filter criteria. When this option is chosen, the user will not have access to the File field or the Browse Button in the Selected File group.
If the Use Selected File option is chosen, users will have access to the Selected File group but access will be restricted in the Filter group.

Pressing the information button in the Selected File group displays information about the file layout.

Each line of the ASCII text file specified should contain a key value that corresponds to the table chosen on the category screen. For example, if the Customer category is chosen the file should contain a list of customer numbers. There should be one customer number per line:
When this file is processed using the Mass Email application, the application will verify that the customer number is on file. It will also verify that an eContact exists for the customer with an email address specified. The results returned in the processing window will be determined based on this criteria.
When this file is processed using the Export Processor application, the application will verify that the customer number is on file. The results returned in the processing window will be determined based on this criteria.
New Copybook: NWMEHELP.GDF