User Received Lock Message on NSCTLFIL 000000100 in Sales Desk
Version: 7.0 & up
Q - A user received this lock message when searching for a customer. We never see locks on the NSCTLFIL and I know they can cause issues for everyone if they happen. I do not know what user DUDA was doing. See sample screen below:
A - NSCTLFIL record 100 contains the counter for “Sales Desk Next Quote Number.” Therefore, it is essential for Sales Desk’s operation to get the next quote number. The process requires placing a lock on NSCTLFIL record 100 and increasing the counter, then releasing the lock. We can’t say what happened in this case. Typically, the lock is temporary in a split second and released immediately after, so you should not experience this type of locking message. It is possible that user DUDA locked NSCTLFIL record 100 in a special scenario without releasing it.
If this problem does not get resolved, the typical solution is to ask user DUDA to exit out of Elliott. That will usually ckear all the locks created by that user. Then come back to Elliott again. If that does not work, go to the PSQL Monitor and clear the user session for DUDA.