Feature - Create Shipment Verification Box Records Through Billing CSV Interface
Version: 8.5 and up
This feature gives the user the ability to import the box number and the box ID when running the Mass Billing by CSV Import application. This feature is available to users running the add-on Shipment Verification. This function is enabled through the setting Global Setup-> Add-Ons-> Shipment Verification-> Field 61. Import Box Info During Order Bill CSV Import.

61. Import Box Info During Order Bill CSV Import - The default value is N. If set to Y, users can specify two new fields during the Order Billing CSV Import - a box number and a box ID.
Note: The box ID is only allowed if Shipping Verification is configured to collect box-level data. This is configured in Global Setup
-> Add-Ons-> Shipment Verification-> Field 37. Collect Box Level Data. If this option is enabled, the collection of the data can still be disabled through a customer's EDI Trading Partner Profile.

Import Box Info During Order Bill CSV Import is set to Y, the Order Billing CSV Import layout screen will display the two new fields:

Column F: Box#
Column G: Global Unique Box ID
If these fields are not provided, the shipping verification files will not be updated. If the fields are provided, the following is a list of possible warning and error messages that may be received during the pre-interface or interface process.
Error: Box No Size Exceeds Maximum Length of 4 - Box number must be between 1 and 999.
Error: Not Configured To Import Box No.- This means a box number was provided but Elliott is configured to support this field during import.
Error: Box ID Size Exceeds Maximum Length of 9 - Box ID must be between 1 and 999999999.
Error: Box ID Already On File In CPBOXFIL - The box ID has been previously imported or created through Shipping Verification.
Error: Box ID Of Zero Already On File For This Box No. Box ID Should Not Be Provided - A box number was previously provided in the ASCII file without a box ID.
Error: Box ID Provided Does Not Match Box ID On File For This Box No. - A box number was provided for a box ID with a different box number.
Error: Not Configured To Import Box ID - This means a box ID was provided but Elliott is not configured to use box IDs.
Error: Box ID On File For Another Box No. - A box ID is already on file with another box number.
If using box IDs and only box numbers are provided in the ASCII file, the application will retrieve a new box ID from Global Setup for each unique box number per order.
If using box IDs and only box IDs are provided, the application will process the data in the order of the ASCII file and assign the box number based on the box ID provided.
If not using box IDs and the box numbers are provided, the application will use what was provided when creating the box shipment records.
If not using box IDs and the box numbers are not provided, it is assumed that box shipment records should not be created for the order.
BoxNo and BoxID columns have been added to the pre-interface report. If using box IDs and the box ID is not provided, the application will print TBD during the pre-interface. The box ID will not be assigned until the interface is run.

The Mass Billing By CSV File Journal now provides the user with a list of the data from the ASCII file for their reference.