Feature: Manual Date Entry in Attribute Maintenance
Elliott Version: 8.6
Released: 4/28/23Overview
When entering a date in Attribute Maintenance, you previously had to use the calendar. Now, we also are allowing free-form entry of dates:
Free-Form Date Entry
U.S. Date Format
Now it is possible to directly enter the date you want in the input field. The following formats are acceptable:
- A 6-digit date in the form of MMDDYY. When leaving the field, it will be reformatted to MM/DD/YYYY.
Note that a 2-digit year 50 or less will be converted to a date in the 2000s ; otherwise to a date in the 1900s.
- An 8-digit date in the form of MMDDYYYY. When leaving the field, it will be reformatted to MM/DD/YYYY.
Note that if only numbers are entered, exactly 6 or 8 digits are required.
- A date entered as M/D/Y, where the month and day can be 1 or 2 digits and the year can be 1 to 4 digits.
- A date entered as M.D.Y, where the month and day can be 1 or 2 digits and the year can be 1 to 4 digits.
- A date entered as M D Y, where the month and day can be 1 or 2 digits and the year can be 1 to 4 digits.
A few examples will make this more clear:
- 010120 would be converted to 01/01/2020.
- 01012020 would likewise be converted to 01/01/2020.
- 1120 would cause an error -- it would not convert to 01/01/2020.
- 112020 would convert to 11/20/2020 -- it would not convert to 1/12/2020.
- 1/1/20 would convert to 01/01/2020.
- 1.1.20 would convert to 01/01/2020.
- 1 1 20 would convert to 01/01/2020.
International Date Format
If the user wishes to enter dates in international date format (YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY.MM.DD, etc.), he or she may simply enter a 4-digit year, followed by / (or other delimiter), then a month, then / (or other delimeter), then a day. The software will recognize this as an international date because of the 4-digit year followed by a delimeter. The software will convert it to MM/DD/YYYY format and validate it.
In this way we support entering a date in international format, but we do not display dates in international format.