Sales History Transaction Processing Loc/Item List Stuck

Release Date: 10/12/2020
Version: 7.5 & Up

Q - One of the reports I run from time to time is COP -> Processing -> Sales History Trx. Processing -> Report -> Loc/Item List. It used to work. Starting recently, for no apparent reason, it always gets hung up when we try to run it. We know there has been no software update recently, So why would this happen?

A - It might be related to NTFS security. To confirm, browse to your <ElliottRoot>\DATA (or whatever corresponding company DATA_99) folder. Look for CP3HS???.BTR where ??? may have a value of 001-999. See sample below:

If you have 999 of them, that means every file name from CP3HS001.BTR - CP3HS999.BTR exists, and you may experience this problem.  The solution is to simply delete all the CP3HS???.BTR files from your corresponding data folder.

This is a side effect of implementing NTFS security. See the following KB article on how to secure your Elliott folders with NTFS:

If you went through the procedure in the above KB article, then your user has minimum rights to your DATA folder.  The Sales History Loc/Item List program will ask the PSQL engine to create a CP3HS???.BTR file as a work file starting with ???=001. It will not override the existing CP3HS???.BTR file. After the report is done, it will attempt to delete the corresponding CP3HS???.BTR file. What happens is the CP3HS???.BTR file is created by the PSQL engine which is running under admin rights. The deletion of the CP3HS???.BTR file is from the user's OS security which has minimum rights and thus is not able to make the deletion.

As a result, you started to have CP3HS001.BTR, 002, 003...etc. files created each time your users run this report. When it reached 999, the system was not able to continue running this report.  The solution is to simply delete these files from the Admin user. Please be careful not to delete other files yourself in the DATA folder for you may lose data.

Another similar example is COP -> Processing -> Sales History Trx. Processing -> Report -> Cust/Invoice-List. The corresponding work files the system creates are CP2HS???.BTR files.


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