Report Desk: Report Documentation
Elliott Version: 8.6 & Up
Displaying Report Documentation
There are two places from which you can view the available documentation for a report:From the list of reports:

From the Report Desk Input Parameters screen:

The Report Documentation Screen
When you select one ot those options, you will see a screen like the following:

Notice that there are two main sections for this documentation. The top half is documentation relating to the current report (This Report) and the bottom half is documentation relating to the standard report (Base Report) from which the current report was derived, if it was customized from a standard report. In this case, the base report (ARSLMUDR.B.1.2.0) was used to customize the current report (ARSLMUDR.B.1.2.1).
The red line above is where a splitter bar is located. The splitter bar allows you to change the relative heights of the two sections of the report.
If the current report is a standard report, the bottom section will be eliminated (i.e., the splitter bar will be located at the bottom of the screen). If the current report has no documentation but the standard report does, the splitter bar will be located near the top of the screen to allow for more room to display the standard report's documentation.
The buttons across the bottom, View Template... View This Design... and View Base Design... allow the user to view the SQL template screen, design screen for this report and design screen for the base report in read-only mode, respectively.
Creating Report Documentation
When designing a report, you can press the Documentation... button to begin the process of documenting the report:
Pressing that button brings up the documentation maintenance screen:

In the above screen, the top red box (text input) can be used to specify a brief abstract of the report.
The bottom red box (HTML input) is a WYSIWYG full-featured HTML editor that can be used to document the report at length, including using multiple fonts and font sizes and colors, images, etc.
When you press the OK button, the documentation is saved in memory -- it will not be saved to the database until the Save button is pressed on the designer screen.