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Changing Reported Qty on Material Work Order

Release Date: 11/15/21

Version: 8.5 and Above

When you are in Change mode of production transaction processing for a plus work order, the application checks if the reported quantity has changed. If it has, the application deletes all of the material records associated with the production transaction for an operation with a material count point, and then recreates the material records and allows the user to adjust quantities or add/remove components.. 

On the other hand, the material work order behaved differently in the past, For example, if the user first created the material work order production transaction based on a quantity of 100, then the component quantity per would be calculated based on 100. If the user later on found the production quantity was actually 200 and changed it before posting it, then the component quantity would stay as 100 unless the user adjusted it. This could have caused problems if the user did not pay attention.

We now apply plus work order production transaction processing logic for material work orders. When changing the unposted quantity reported in the Change mode on a production transaction for a material work order, any material records associated with the production transaction are deleted and the quantities used are recalculated using the new reported quantity. This behavior is now consistent between both types of production work orders.

Programs Changed: BM1802

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