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Feature - Country Maintenance

Release Date: 5/17/22
Version: 8.5 and Above

This application supports add, change, delete and list functions for the country file. The application is available from System Files Setup-> Maintenance-> Country File.  The primary purpose is to add support for Avalara Sales Tax Interface where the country field needs to be validated instead of free form. The Avalara Sales Tax Interface will be in a separate release.

This application allows maintenance to the SYCNTRY table. This information is maintained for all companies and is not company specific. A base table containing a list of over 200 countries is provided upon installation of Elliott.

1. Country Short Desc - This is a 10-character field. Enter the short description of the country. F7 search by short name and F8 search by description are available in change and delete mode.

2. Country Desc - This is a 35-character field. Enter the full country name.

3. 2-Digit ISO Code - This is a 2-digit field. Enter the 2-digit ISO code for the country. If using Avalara integration, this is the code that will be used for tax calculations.

4. 3-Digit ISO Code - This is a 3-digit field. Enter the 3-digit ISO code for the country. 

Note: A full list of the ISO country codes can be found here

Users can print a list of all of the countries on file by choosing the List menu option.

Starting Country - Enter the starting country. Press Enter for All.  F7 search by short name and F8 search by description are available.

Ending Country - Enter the ending country. F7 search by short name and F8 search by description are available.

Programs Modified: SYFILEMNU.CBL


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