Avalara Attribute Support
_AVATAXSNAPSHOT will be created for the order when a communication to Avalara had taken place. The snapshot of the order is saved in the attribute for comparison to prevent excessive calling Avalara web services.
- Reference 1 – Address line 1
- Reference 2 – Address line 2
- Reference 3 – City
- Reference 4 – State
- Reference 5 - Zip Code
- Amount 1 – Order Amt
- Amount 2 – Misc. Charges
- Amount 3 – Freight charges
- Check Box 1 – Taxable?
- Check Box 2 – Used TaxCd ON030000?
Address validation occurs – The order amount, misc. charges, and freight charges in the attribute will be set to zero.
- If validation is unsuccessful, the attribute for the order will not be created and if it exists only the address will be updated.
- If validation is successful but there are no suggested changes, the attribute will be created with the address as entered.
- If validation is successful and the user accepts the changes, the attribute will be created with the accepted address.
- If validation is successful and the user rejects the changes, the attribute will be created with the original address.
- If the attribute exists and all of the fields match, taxes are not recalculated for a “SalesOrder” type transaction.
- If the attribute exists and any of the fields don’t match, taxes are recalculated for a “Sales Order” type transaction.
- If the attribute does not exist, taxes are calculated for a “Sales Order” type transaction. The attribute will be created and will store the order amount, misc. charges, and freight charges .
- Reference 1 – Address line 1
- Reference 2 – Address line 2
- Reference 3 – City
- Reference 4 – State
- Reference 5 - Zip Code
- Amount 1 – Order Amt
- Amount 2 – Misc Charges
- Amount 3 – Freight charges
- Check Box 1 – Taxable?
Check Box 2 –
Used TaxCd ON030000?
- Reference 1 – Use code
Use codes are used to determine why a customer is exempt from taxes. Use Codes can be assigned at the customer type, customer, ship-to and order levels. When determining the use code for an order, a hierarchy will be applied. If the order contains a ship-to and a use code has been assigned to the ship-to, the use code will be assigned to the order. If no ship-to use code has been assigned or the user is not using a ship-to, the application will check for a customer use code. If the use code does not exist, the application will check for a customer type use code. If the use code has not been defined the Avalara Global Setup Default, Cust Exempt Use Code will be used as the default. The use code can manually be defined at the order header level.
- Reference 1 – Tax Code (Goods and Services Code)
_TAXBREAKDOWN00 (through 04)
- Reference 1 – jurisCode
- Reference 2 – jurisType (00=Country, 01=State, 02 = County, 03 = City, 04 = Special)
- Reference 3 – jurisName
- Reference 4 – taxType
- Amount 1 – taxableAmount
- Amount 2 – taxCalcuated
- Amount 3 - rate
_TAXBREAKDOWN09 (used for retail delivery fee)
- Reference 1 – jurisCode
- Reference 2 – jurisType (00=Country, 01=State, 02 = County, 03 = City, 04 = Special)
- Reference 3 – jurisName
- Reference 4 – taxType
- Amount 1 – taxableAmount
- Amount 2 – taxCalcuated
- Amount 3 - rate
This attribute will be stored for the customer, ship-to or location. The purpose is to determine if address had been validated which is implied by the existence of the attribute and the matching of address. If so, there's no need to validate address again to prevent excessive communication with Avalara web services.
- Reference 1 – Notes concerning any failures encountered during tax calculation or address check
- Reference 2 – Notes Continued
- Reference 3 – Resolution Quality
- Reference 4 - Address 1
- Reference 5 - City, State & Zip Code
- Amount 1 – Latitude
- Amount 2 - Longitude
- Checkbox 1 – Elliott Zip Checked
- Checkbox 2 – Avalara Addr Checked
- Checkbox 3 – Foreign Address