Report Desk: Developing a Customer-Specific Base Report by Using License Field
Users can always customize a Netcellent-developed "base" report. When the requirement is for a relatively simple variation on an existing report, sometimes Netcellent staff members can also make this kind of customization for the customer. There is a simple process to follow: .
On the other hand, users cannot customize the template that is the SQL script for the Netcellent base reports. Netcellent sometimes needs to be able to create a unique template with a base report but with some aspect that is unique to a particular customer or list of customers. This template and base report would not make sense to most customers. Hence, we should limit this base report to that specific customer, or to a few other customers that may benefit from that report.
In this document, we outline the procedure to create a base report that's custom for a specific user based on their Elliott License number.

- Netcellent License Code BSS046 should always be part of the License field. This is because Netcellent will need to support the custom mod when customers call us.
- The report title should indicate that this is a custom mod with customer's name. In the above example, we use "Elbe Open Quote Statistics" to indicate this is a custom report for user "Elbe."