Why Global Setup to Prevent PO Over Receipt Does Not Work
Version: 8.0 & Up
Q - There's a flag in Global Setup -> Dist -> P/O Global Control -> flag "17. Warning or Stop for Overship Receiving Trx?" If the value is set to "S" to stop it, then even when there is an over-receive situation, the system will treat it as a warning condition without stopping it. See example below. The Global Setup for flag 17. is set to "S" (Stop):
In the PO Receiving Receiving Processing, the sample below, PO# 180-00, line# 1, item# TTT, Order Qty = 100 was fully received already. If we add a new receiving for a Qty 50 (over), it just shows a "warning" message. It seems there's no difference between "S" (Stop) and "W" (Warning). See sample screen below:
A - The user interface is a little bit quirky. The first message is always a warning. If you proceed further, just when you are about to add this receiving transaction, the system will stop you with the following message:
Overship By 50.000 Receiving Not Allowed
In addition, you should consider the following two factors:
- In P/O Setup, there's a flag "Percent Overship Allowed." If your over receiving is within the allowed percentage, the system will not stop it. The two-level messages from warning to stopping when an over allowance percentage occurs is exactly the original implemented logic by Macola. We simply added a Global Setup flag to allow the flexibility for the second level checking to be a warning instead of stopping the process altogether.
- Please be aware that this global setup flag does not apply to PO warehouse receiving. Warehouse receiving always treats an over receipt as a warning condition.