What Values to Populate in Document Number in Sales & Cr/Dr Memo Processing CSV Import
Version: 8.0 & Up
Q - We want to use the Sales & Cr/Dr Memo Processing Import tool. What should or shouldn’t we populate column B (Doc#) with? We typically always reference a document # when processing credit or debit memos. The sample layout of the CSV file is not clear on what value to provide in Column B.
A - We suggest that you do not populate any value in column B (Doc#). The system will automatically assign the next Doc# when it is not provided. This process is equivalent to manually adding a credit memo in A/R and pressing the F1 key to assign the next Doc#. If you choose to populate the Doc# yourself, you must ensure that the Doc# is not already in use in the system to avoid duplication. In most cases, there is no benefit for you to assign the Doc# yourself.
Regarding your statement "We typically always reference a document # when processing credit or debit memos," I believe you are referring to column M (Apply To). This column typically contains the invoice number to which the credit or debit memo should be applied. In A/R, each document has a document number and an apply-to number. For an invoice, the apply-to number is the same as the invoice number. For a credit memo or payment, the apply-to number is the invoice number to which the credit memo or payment should be applied.
For a credit memo, you should populate column M (Appl To). If you don't, it will become an open credit. As for a debit memo, it may apply to another invoice or stand alone by itself. If you don't provide a value in column M, the debit memo will apply to its own doc# (Doc# in column B either provided or sequentially assigned by system).