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Avalara - Committed Tax Override Report

Release Date: 1/26/24
Version: 8.6 and Above

The Committed Tax Override Report shows all posted invoices that used the Avalara override tax code ON030000. This situation can occur if the Avalara portal is configured to run Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) but the customer's exemption certificate has not been added to the Avalara portal. If the override code has been sent with the order, the "Used TaxCd ON030000" option will be checked in the _AVATAXSNAPSHOT attribute and an event will be triggered to notify the user of the situation. This event should be monitored and the situation remedied since the use of the override code can trigger an audit at the state level.

Note: Users must have permission to run Report Desk reports to be able run this report.  

Report Added: AVCOMOVR.B.1.1.0

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