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Feature - Mass Billing By CSV Initialize Freight Option

Release Date: 8/28/24
Version: 8.5 and Above

The Global Setup-> COP-Func-> Order Billing Screen option "Initialize Freight Amount In Order Billing" controls whether the freight amount on an order is set to zero when the billing screen is accessed in Order Entry. This flag is also used by the Mass Billing By CSV option available under Customer Order Processing-> Processing-> Order Billing.

This feature allows the user to change the behavior of the flag. 

If this flag is set to Y, a separate prompt will ask if the freight amount should be initialized during Mass Billing by CSV. 

Init Freight During Mass Billing by CSV: If this field is not set to N (it is not yet entered or set to Y) and field 1 is set to Y, the freight amount will be set to zero if:
  • the freight amount was not manually entered through the billing screen, shipping data update, or shipping confirmation
  • freight is not calculated based on the freight table 

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