Procedure to Process Credit Card by Reference ID
What follows is a sample procedure of how you can charge credit cards by using a reference ID.
When you first process a credit card for a customer, you will have to collect their credit card number. The following is an example of how to enter a credit card number in our COP Order Billing Screen Payment Window.
However, Elliott does not store this credit card number in its database. Only the TroutD (reference ID) and the masked credit card number is stored. If you need to process the credit card for the same customer again in the future, then in the payment window, credit card number field, you can press F8=TrxdID Search. See sample screen below:
Then you will see the "Select Payware Transaction" window, which shows up like the sample screen below:
You can ask customers which credit card to use by referencing the last 4 digits of the credit card number. Press Enter on the highlighted transaction, and the system will return the TroutD to the payment window to complete the credit card processing:
Again, this method allow you to charge a credit card the second time even though you did not ask the customer for the credit card number during the second transaction. The credit card number is not stored locally in the Elliott database. You can use this reference ID method to perform the following types of credit card transactions:
- Sales
- Pre-Authorization
- Complete
- Void
- Refund
If you don't process credit cards through the COP side, you can also collect and process credit cards on the A/R side through AR -> Processing -> Credit Card Transaction Handle. The procedure is similar to above.