What Does Error Code 2029999 Mean in Payware Connect SIMEvent.Log File?
Revised: 01/02/2021
Version: 7.5 & up
See sample screen below:
Since this message is very vague, I looked into the SIMEvent.Log file for more details, and see the following entry match with this error:
What does the error code 2029999 mean?
A - This is a generic error which indicates there are some sort of problems with your Payware Connect due to account setup information mismatch or the account is on hold.
Mismatch Setup Error
If this error happen during the initial setup period and you are processing by merchant key, generally the 2029999 response indicates you are sending one or more of the items below incorrectly:
It is possible that you setup the password incorrectly between Elliott and Payware Connect Account. Since the password is hidden and case sensitive, it is often an area for potential problem.
Also, the CLIENT_ID or MERCHANTKEY is very long so it is easy to make typo mistake and you should verify that too. We advise you to use "Copy" and "Paste" to avoid making this kind of typo mistake.
Please go to Global Setup -> Add-Ons -> On-Line Credit Card Processing. Then go to field "2. Interface with Which CC Gateway Software?". You should have a value of "3" or "4". Hit enter, then the "Payware Connect Defaults" window should popup. See sample screen below. Verify that information with the settings on the portal (i.e. https://ipcharge.com/MC).

API User ID Password Expired
General speaking, no one should ever login with the Gateway API User ID (in the sample screen above, POS_USER). If you ever do, then the automatically 90 days count down clock will start and hence you will have this problem 90 days later. You can verify this by login as the admin with Payware Connect admin portal. If that is the case, you have two options: (1) Ask Verifone to unlock the API user; (2) Create a new API User and Password and set it on the Elliott side to match accordingly.
We have several incidents in the past showing this problem was caused by someone accidentially login to the API User to cause the password to expire and locked out.
Also, the CLIENT_ID or MERCHANTKEY is very long so it is easy to make typo mistake and you should verify that too. We advise you to use "Copy" and "Paste" to avoid making this kind of typo mistake.
Please go to Global Setup -> Add-Ons -> On-Line Credit Card Processing. Then go to field "2. Interface with Which CC Gateway Software?". You should have a value of "3" or "4". Hit enter, then the "Payware Connect Defaults" window should popup. See sample screen below. Verify that information with the settings on the portal (i.e. https://ipcharge.com/MC).
API User ID Password Expired
General speaking, no one should ever login with the Gateway API User ID (in the sample screen above, POS_USER). If you ever do, then the automatically 90 days count down clock will start and hence you will have this problem 90 days later. You can verify this by login as the admin with Payware Connect admin portal. If that is the case, you have two options: (1) Ask Verifone to unlock the API user; (2) Create a new API User and Password and set it on the Elliott side to match accordingly.
We have several incidents in the past showing this problem was caused by someone accidentially login to the API User to cause the password to expire and locked out.
API User ID is blocked
If a wrong password was used and attempted for many times, the AP User ID account could be blocked and produce this error. In that case, the only way that this problem can be solved is to call Solupay.
API Password has special character(s)
If you set the API User password yourself at Payware Connect portal, you should be aware that the API User password is not allowed to have special characters.
Internet Reliability Issue
If this is an inconsistent error with processing credit card on Elliott desktop, then this could be a network error. In that case, we suggest you to perform a ping test on the command prompt like following:
PING -T www.google.com
We expect the ping time should be around 100 ms or less. if you have inconsistent ping time like 500 or 1,000 ms, to the point of sometime you have packet lost, then it is a good indicator that you have Internet reliability problem. We have seen unreliable Internet connection to cause error 2029999. In that case, you should talk to your Internet provider about it.
Web Services Issue
If this is an inconsistent error from the Web site where you use Elliott Web services to perform credit card authorizations, you may want to perform an IISRESET to see if this problem goes away. In addition, if you have multiple web services set up on the same server that processes credit card transactions, then you need to make sure they are set up to use a different user identity. If they use the same user identify, the current crypto logic (to decrypt API user password) may not work correctly and result in Error 2029999.
In addition, in some cases, you have to make sure the IIS Application Pool for Web Services, Advanced Settings, Load User Profile is set to "True" in order to make the crypto logic to work. See sample screen below:

How do you know if the 202999 issue is caused by decryption error? The easiest way is to find your web services log folder and locate XML2PWC.LOG file, look for the <USER_PW>********</USER_PW> tag. The convention for SoluPay (VersaPay) is to setup API user password to 8 digits long. when Elliott save this password in its database, it will encrypted and the encrypted string will be double in length and become 16 digits long. If you see the password that's 16 digits long, it means the decryption fails and we are sending the encrypted password and hence 2029999. If you see the password that's 8 digits long, then it implies the decryption works. See example below:
- Decryption Works: ...<USER_ID>APIapi</USER_ID><USER_PW>********</USER_PW>...
- Decryption Fails: ...<USER_ID>APIapi</USER_ID><USER_PW>****************</USER_PW>...
Note: The database field to store the encrypted password is maximum 16 digits. If password is longer than 8 digits, then it will be stored unencrypted.
From our past experience, if the 2029999 errors only happen to webservices and not in Elliott, your first suspect should be the failure of decrypting password.
Wrong Application ID setup with Payware Connect
The other possibility is when the Payware Connect account is first setup, it should indicate the Application ID as "Elliott Business Software-8.0". If it is not setup so, you could get error code 2029999 as well. If this is the case, the symptom may be that you SALES transaction work, but PRE_AUTH transaction does not work. To verify your application ID setup for your Payware Connect account, you can call Payware Connect Production Help Desk at 1-800-839-0947 for assistance with your client ID ending with 0001. See sample screen above.
Payware Connect Account on Hold
If your payware account worked before and stop working now, then it is possible due to your Payware Connect account is put on hold. Verifone may place your Payware Connect account on hold for various reasons. For example, one of our users changed their credit card and fail to notify Verifone of their new credit card info. Since Verifone can't charge the monthly transaction fee with their original credit card on file, so Verifone put the account on hold. This will cause error code 2029999.
Device Key
If you are processing by device key, then the 2029999 would indicate one or more of the following is incorrect: