Warehouse Replenishment - Multi-Bin Environment
Generate Replenishment Transfer Batch
Updated: 11/18/21
Before running the Restocking Suggestion Report, the PICKBIN attribute must be set up for all items that require replenishment from a secondary bin. For more information on how to set this up go to http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/724959-how-to-create-pickbin-attribute-for-all-applicable. In a multi-bin environment the replenishment bin number(s) is suggested based upon the quantity available in bins other than the item's primary bin. Bins are chosen in priority date order. The replenishment bin in the PICKBIN attribute is not used a multi-bin environment.
After setting up the PICKBIN attribute for all the items that need to be replenished on a daily basis, there are two possible ways to generate the replenishment batch.
The first option is the Restocking Suggestion Report. It is available from Distribution-> Inventory Management-> Reports-> Stock Status Reports-> Print-> Restocking Suggestion. This will print the multi-bin version of the Restocking Suggestion Report.
The first option is the Restocking Suggestion Report. It is available from Distribution-> Inventory Management-> Reports-> Stock Status Reports-> Print-> Restocking Suggestion. This will print the multi-bin version of the Restocking Suggestion Report.

Show Items Need To Restock Only – Yes will only show items that need restocking. No will show all items. Answer Yes if you to create the inventory Transfer Batch.
Location – Warehouse location used to generate the report.
Starting Bin No. and Ending Bin No. - Enter the starting and ending bin number range. Enter spaces in the starting bin number for all bins. F7 search for the bin number is supported.
Starting Bin No. and Ending Bin No. - Enter the starting and ending bin number range. Enter spaces in the starting bin number for all bins. F7 search for the bin number is supported.
Include Stock Date with Restock Date Report – This option is not applicable for a multi-bin location.
Create Inventory Transfer Batch – Answer Y if using the Warehouse Management System and you want to process this replenishment through the Warehouse Transfer application. Answer No if you only want to generate the report.
Close Open Replenishment Batches – If this option is set to Yes, the application will close any open replenishment transfer batches that are currently on file. The batches will also be posted to history automatically. This will happen even if a new transfer batch is not created.
When a multi-bin transfer batch is generated and choosing all bins, the program will look for all open transfer batches that are not currently being processed. If a bin range is selected when generating a transfer batch, the application will look for any open transfer batch that matches or overlaps the bin range. Items that have not been transferred will be deleted from the batch. If an item has been partially transferred, the quantity on the batch will be set to the amount transferred. The open batches that are left will be marked as complete and will be posted to history. The posting register is printed beginning on the first page of the Restocking Suggestion Report.
When a multi-bin transfer batch is generated and choosing all bins, the program will look for all open transfer batches that are not currently being processed. If a bin range is selected when generating a transfer batch, the application will look for any open transfer batch that matches or overlaps the bin range. Items that have not been transferred will be deleted from the batch. If an item has been partially transferred, the quantity on the batch will be set to the amount transferred. The open batches that are left will be marked as complete and will be posted to history. The posting register is printed beginning on the first page of the Restocking Suggestion Report.
For the multi-bin environment, if:
Primary Bin Quantity On Hand < Threshold Quantity specified in the PICKBIN attribute
then this item's primary stocking bin needs to be restocked.
The second option to generate a replenishment transfer batch is the Minimum Requirements Transfer Report. It is available from Distribution-> Customer Order Processing-> Processing-> Pick/Pack Tickets & Ship Labels-> Print.

This report is for multi-bin locations only and supports two different calculation methods for the replenishment quantity.
Location – Warehouse location used to generate the report.
Starting Bin No. and Ending Bin No. - Enter the starting and ending bin number range. Enter spaces in the starting bin number for all bins. F7 search for the bin number is supported.
Starting Bin No. and Ending Bin No. - Enter the starting and ending bin number range. Enter spaces in the starting bin number for all bins. F7 search for the bin number is supported.
Create Inventory Transfer Batch – Answer Y to generate a replenishment transfer batch. Answer No to generate only the report.
Base on Min Or Reg Qty - Options are M=Minimum Qty, R=PICKBIN Replenish Qty, and O=Min Qty & Only in Remote Bin. Choose which calculation method should be used when generating the report and transfer batch. If M or O is chosen, enter the number of ATP Cut-Off Days to be used when determining the minimum quantity. Enter a number between 0 and 999 where Zero=Today and 999=All dates.
Base on Min Or Reg Qty - Options are M=Minimum Qty, R=PICKBIN Replenish Qty, and O=Min Qty & Only in Remote Bin. Choose which calculation method should be used when generating the report and transfer batch. If M or O is chosen, enter the number of ATP Cut-Off Days to be used when determining the minimum quantity. Enter a number between 0 and 999 where Zero=Today and 999=All dates.
Priority Cut-Off - Enter the bin fixed priority to be considered when determining the bins to use for the transfer batch.
Close Open Replenishment Batches – If this option is set to Yes, the application will close any open replenishment transfer batches that are currently on file. The batches will also be posted to history automatically. This will happen even if a new transfer batch is not created.
When a multi-bin transfer batch is generated, the program will look for any open transfer batches that are not currently being processed. If a bin range is selected when generating a transfer batch, the application will look for any open transfer batch that matches or overlaps the bin range. Items that have not been transferred will be deleted from the batch. If an item has been partially transferred, the quantity on the batch will be set to the amount transferred. The open batches that are left will be marked as complete and will be posted to history. The posting register is printed beginning on the first page of the Minimum Transfer Requirement Report.
When a multi-bin transfer batch is generated, the program will look for any open transfer batches that are not currently being processed. If a bin range is selected when generating a transfer batch, the application will look for any open transfer batch that matches or overlaps the bin range. Items that have not been transferred will be deleted from the batch. If an item has been partially transferred, the quantity on the batch will be set to the amount transferred. The open batches that are left will be marked as complete and will be posted to history. The posting register is printed beginning on the first page of the Minimum Transfer Requirement Report.
When Reg Qty calculation method is chosen
If Primary Bin Quantity On Hand < Threshold Qty specified in the PICKBIN attribute
then this item's primary bin needs to be restocked.
When Min Qty calculation method is chosen
If Primary Bin Quantity On Hand < Total ATP Sales Quantity (outstanding sales orders in ATP)
then this item's Pick Bin needs to be restocked.
When Remote Bin Only calculation method is chosen
If the item's primary bin's fixed priority is greater than or equal to the priority cut-off and Total ATP Sales Quantity (outstanding sales orders in ATP) is greater than zero
then this item's inventory needs to be moved from the current bin to a new stocking bin.
Transfer Batch Dispatch
When running the Restocking Suggestion Report or the Minimum Requirements Transfer Report, answering Yes to the Create Inventory Transfer Batch prompt will create a "K" type replenishment batch.The Transfer Batch Dispatch application allows the user to perform different functions before processing the replenishment batch. This application can be accessed from I/M-> Processing -> Inventory Transfer Management-> Dispatch. Bin replenishment transfer batches can be printed, assigned, and split from this screen. The bin replenishment transfer batches are created as a K type and the batch number will always begin with a K.
Enter=Sel – This option selects a batch for processing. Hit Enter to select batches and then press the appropriate function key for processing.
F1=Dtl – This allows you to view the detail information for the batch that is highlighted. A pop-up window will show information about the batch and will prompt about showing the detail information for the batch. Answer Y. This will bring up the Transfer Detail Information screen. Use this screen to split batches before processing the batch in the warehouse. To split a batch, hit Enter to select the items to split from the batch. The total selected quantity and weight will update. Press F1 to Split the batch. A new batch will be created from the items that were selected. Serialized items cannot be split out to another batch.
F2=Assign - This option allows the user to assign the selected batch to an operator. If using WMS, the operator must be on file.
F3=Print – Print a paper copy of the Transfer Ticket. When bin replenishment transfer batches are created, they can be automatically marked as printed if the WMS Global Setup option to use paperless transfer tickets is set to Yes. It this option is set to No, this function key can be used to print the transfer ticket. Transfer Tickets must be marked as printed before they can be processed.
Transfer Batch Processing
This application can be accessed from I/M-> Processing -> WMS Processing -> Processing-> Transfer. Once a bin replenishment batch has been assigned to an operator, the operator will be able to view information about a batch that is assigned to them or unassigned batch (if the WMS Global Setup flag to show unassigned replenishment batches is set to Y) and they can select a batch for processing.
From Loc - Enter the "from" location to process.
To Loc - Enter the "to" location to process.
Trx Type - Enter the transfer type to display. Enter "K" for bin replenishment batches.
To Loc - Enter the "to" location to process.
Trx Type - Enter the transfer type to display. Enter "K" for bin replenishment batches.
Enter=Detail – Shows the batch detail information about the highlighted batch. A pop-up window will show basic information about the batch.

Answer Y to the Show Detail prompt to see the items in the batch.

Answer Y to the Show Detail prompt to see the items in the batch.
F1=Process – Start processing the transfer. Once the user presses F1 to process the highlighted batch, the equipment needed to transfer the material needs to be assigned to the batch.
Batch ID – Batch ID that was chosen for bin replenishment
Assign To Which User – Operator ID assigned to this batch.
Assign To Equipment – User will select the equipment to be used for processing this batch. F7 will perform a search against the equipment file. Equipment ID entered must be on file and must not be in use by another user.
After selecting the equipment to use for the transfer batch, the user will be presented with the Bin Replenishment Let Down screen.
Batch - ID associated with transfer Batch.
Location - Transfer batch from location.
Mode - The current mode being processed.
From Bin – Replenishment bin for item in warehouse as specified in the PICKBIN attribute.Mode - The current mode being processed.
Qty - Total quantity to be transferred from the replenishment bin to the pick bin.
UM - Unit of measure.
*Item Desc. - Item's description.
Item No - Elliott Item number.
Let Down - Total quantity of the item that has been let down from the bin to the equipment used to process the transfer.
Bin No. - Bin number the item was take from.
Item/Ser # - Entry field for scanning the UPC, manufacturer's model number, item number or serial number of the item being let down.
Item/Ser # - Entry field for scanning the UPC, manufacturer's model number, item number or serial number of the item being let down.
Last Input - Last entered item / UPC number/ serial number.
Qty OH - The item's quantity on hand in the bin scanned.
Qty OH - The item's quantity on hand in the bin scanned.
Total - Total quantity to be transferred for transfer batch and total quantity Let Down to the equipment for the Transfer Batch.
Note: The contents of the Item Description field is configured based on two Global Setup values. Options include:
9. Staging/Bin Replenishment Field Option 1
10. Staging/Bin Replenishment Field Option 2
These options allow the user to choose up to two fields that are shown in the Item Desc space on the WMS Transfer screen in Elliott. The choices include Item Desc (option 1 only – if chosen, option 2 will be used to accommodate the size of the item description field), User Def 1, User Def 2, User Def 3, User Def4, User Def 5, Prod Cat Desc, Volume, Weight, Ext Volume, Ext Weight.
F4=Adv Opt - Presents the user with a pop-up window with options.
Advanced Qty - Used to enter quantities for non-serialized items - similar to Shipping Verification F3 Qty Enter screen.
Change Pick Bin Attribute- Used to access and change quantities on the PICKBIN attribute associated with the item highlighted.
Change Pick Bin - Used to change the primary stocking bin for the item highlighted.
Show Serial Numbers - Shows serial numbers scanned for the item highlighted.
Advanced Qty - Used to enter quantities for non-serialized items - similar to Shipping Verification F3 Qty Enter screen.
Change Pick Bin Attribute- Used to access and change quantities on the PICKBIN attribute associated with the item highlighted.
Change Pick Bin - Used to change the primary stocking bin for the item highlighted.
Show Serial Numbers - Shows serial numbers scanned for the item highlighted.
F5=Refesh - This option will refresh the data on the screen. If another Restocking Suggestion Report was run from another workstation that updated the transfer batch, using the refresh option will display the updated information.
F7=Assign - This option allows the user to assign a bin to pull inventory from for the line highlighted.
F1=Put Away - Once a bin and item/serial number combination is scanned, the item is automatically transferred from the stocking bin to the equipment bin and the qty Let Down is updated on the screen. When the inventory is ready to be put away in the correct stocking bin, press the F1 key to change the mode to Put Away. This will change the screen shown to the Put Away screen.

This screen works the same as the Let Down screen. In this screen users tell the system the bins where the inventory will be put away. If the To-Bin is correct on this screen for all the items, the user can use the F1=Put Away All option to put away the inventory to the bin specified. If the bin is not correct, then the user should use the F7=Assign function to reassign the bin or scan the items manually. Once all items are put away, hit the Escape key to return to the Let Down screen. When inventory is scanned or the F1=Put Away All option is used, the inventory is moved immediately from the equipment bin to the bin specified on the Put Away screen.
F7=Assign - This option allows the user to assign a bin to pull inventory from for the line highlighted.
F1=Put Away - Once a bin and item/serial number combination is scanned, the item is automatically transferred from the stocking bin to the equipment bin and the qty Let Down is updated on the screen. When the inventory is ready to be put away in the correct stocking bin, press the F1 key to change the mode to Put Away. This will change the screen shown to the Put Away screen.
This screen works the same as the Let Down screen. In this screen users tell the system the bins where the inventory will be put away. If the To-Bin is correct on this screen for all the items, the user can use the F1=Put Away All option to put away the inventory to the bin specified. If the bin is not correct, then the user should use the F7=Assign function to reassign the bin or scan the items manually. Once all items are put away, hit the Escape key to return to the Let Down screen. When inventory is scanned or the F1=Put Away All option is used, the inventory is moved immediately from the equipment bin to the bin specified on the Put Away screen.
If the user aborts that transfer batch before all inventory is put away, the program will warn the user that he/she has not put all of the inventory away.

If the user exits from the Let Down screen before all items are processed, he/she will receive a message stating that the replenishment batch has been only partially completed.
Continue processing the items until all inventory is restocked. Once this happens, the system will present the user with a "Bin Replenishment Complete" message. If the system is set up to allow the posting of transfer batches upon completion, the user will receive a message asking is he/she would like to post the batch. Answering Yes will post the batch and move it to history. Answering No will require running the Post application from the Transfer Batch Dispatch screen.