ARSTMSCN Accounts Receivable Print Statements
Print Statements
Application Overview
A statement is a document that you produce periodically to send to the customer, which details all the billing period's activity on the customer's account. Statements are usually produced on pre‑printed forms, which fold to fit into a windowed envelope with the customer's name and address showing. Elliott Business Forms Department of NETcellent System, Incorporated can supply you with these forms in a wide range of colors at very competitive prices.
When you select the Print Statements application, the program will display a screen asking you for some further information, such as a specification of which customers are to be included in the printing and the period the statements are to cover. After you enter this information, you should mount statement forms on your printer. Printing will proceed from that point.
The statement for an Open Item customer will contain all detail of the open items on the customer's account up through the ending date of the statement period. For a Balance Forward customer, a single line will be printed which summarizes all the detail on the customer's account up to the starting date of the statement period, followed by all further details of customer transactions up to the ending date of the statement period.
Selection of Customers
For this program, you will specify which customers are to have statements printed. This is done by entering up to five statement frequency codes. Previously, during Customer File Maintenance, you assigned a statement frequency code to each customer, specifying how frequently he was to receive a statement. The statement-printing program will print a statement for every customer whose statement frequency code matches one of the statement frequency codes you entered, and who falls within the range of customers you specified.
Regarding Purging the A/R Open Item File
The Purge Closed Open Item application, when run, will remove from the A/R Open Item file all of those A/R open items for the customers you designate, which have been fully paid. For historical purposes, the purged data is moved to the A/r History Item file where if can be viewed or printed.
When you send a statement to a customer, he will usually want to see all the activity that has occurred on his account since the last statement he received. For this reason, you should be sure that you print statements and send them to your customers before you purge the A/R Open Item file.
Printing of the Company Name
One of the questions asked during A/R Setup was Print Company Name On Statement?.
There are some companies, known usually as Service Bureaus, which handle all accounting for more than one company. A Service Bureau might handle the entirety of a company's Accounts Receivable, for example. Such a company might want to use just one set of statement forms for all companies it keeps records for. Then, when it prints statements to send to the company's customers, it will print the name of the company in a space left deliberately blank at the top of the statement form for that purpose.
Many other companies, however, might have the name of their company printed at the top of their statement forms. In this case, they would not want the program to print the company name over the top of this pre‑printed name.
The answer to the above question in A/R Setup will determine what the program does in this case. You might want to check your answer to this question, to be sure the statements are printed the way you want them.
Printing On Laser Forms
Statements may be printed on either standard (continuous) forms or laser forms. This option is set in the Print On Laser Forms? field (#48) of the A/R Setup application. If that field is set to S or B, statements will automatically be set to print on laser forms. For more information, refer to the description for field #48 in the A/R Setup section of this manual.
Run Instructions
Select Print Statements from the pull-down A/R Processing window. The following screen will then be displayed:
Print Statements Entry Screen
The following options are available:
- Print Statements on pre-printed forms
- Statements may be printed by customer, by frequency showing all detail to the customer's account
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Entry Field Descriptions
Name | Type and Description |
1. Statement Period | Two entries of a date in the standard date format. Enter the starting and ending dates of the statement period. For Balance Forward customers, all activity on the account prior to the starting statement date will be printed as a single total line on the statement, followed by the rest of the detail on the customer's account up through the end of the statement period. For Open Item customers, all open items in the account will be printed up through the ending date of the statement period. |
2. Statement Comments | Two entries of 30 alphanumeric characters. The comments that you enter here will print at the bottom of each statement printed. This can be very handy if you want to announce a sale or to make known some special piece of news to all of your customers. If you leave these comments empty, no comments will print on the statements. |
3. Print In Apply‑To Number Order or Document Date Order ? | 1 alphanumeric character. This question is asking whether you want the detail of the statements to be printed in apply‑to number order or in document date order. Enter A to specify apply‑to number order, or D to specify document date order. If the items are printed in apply‑to number order, each invoice will be immediately followed by those payments, credit memos, etc. that apply to it. Otherwise, the statements will be printed in document date order, without any reference to the apply‑to number of the document. |
4. Print Aged Totals ? | Y or N. If you answer Y to this, the totals of the customer's account will be broken down into the same four aging periods which appear on the A/R Aging Report, and printed in a box at the bottom of the statement. See sample screen below: Also, If you answer Y to this field then the aging period fields in the Customer file will be updated with the aged total amounts printed at the bottom of the statement. If you answer N to this, then it does none of the above two actions. |
5. Print Remit Advice ? | Y or N. Many statement forms have a right‑hand portion, which is detachable which the customer sends in with his payment. This portion of the statement is called a Remittance Advice. Answer Y to this question if you wish to print the Remittance Advice. |
6. Starting Customer No | 6 alphanumeric characters. Enter the beginning of the range of customer numbers you want to print statements for. If you press RETURN for this field, it will default to All customers. |
7. Ending Customer No | 6 alphanumeric characters. Enter the end of the range of customers you want to print statements for. If you press RETURN for this entry it will default to the entry you made for the starting customer number. In other words, only the customer specified by the starting customer number will receive a statement. |
8. Freq Codes to Print | Five entries of 1 alphanumeric character. Enter the statement frequencies of the customers for whom you want to print statements. Only customers having a statement frequency matching one of the codes you enter will have a statement printed. The allowable entries for this field are: D = Discretionary W = Weekly S = Semi‑Monthly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly If you press RETURN without an entry for this field, it will default to All frequency codes. |
9. Print Only If Dr Bal ? | Y or N. |
Print Only If Dr Bal ? | If you answer Y to this, statements will be printed only for customers with a balance greater than zero. If you answer N, those with balances less than zero will be included. |
10. Show Open Items Only ? | Y or N. If you answer Y to this, only invoices that have not been paid will be reported on the statement, otherwise all transactions for the date range will be printed. |
11. Print Zero Bal Cust ? | Y or N. If Yes, then statements for customers with zero balances will be printed. |
Print Statements (Screen #1)
Print Statements (Screen #2)
Print Statements (Screen #3)

The bottom of Elliott Statement when you answer "N" to "4. Print Aged Totals?"
Sample Statement
John Q. Williams Company
3479 Peachtree Road N.E. 10/16/92 000100
Suite #200
Atlanta, GA 30329
1002 02/06/89 D DEBIT MEMO 81.90 81.90
3502 11/02/89 D DEBIT MEMO 84.33 166.23
1000 02/14/89 I INVOICE 995.92 1,162.15
6553 07/15/89 P PAYMENT: CHECK NO 6553 995.92CR 166.23
1001 03/21/89 I INVOICE 1,220.15 1,386.38
6553 07/15/89 P PAYMENT: CHECK NO 6553 1,220.15CR 166.23
1003 06/09/89 I Order # 3866 1,933.20 2,099.43
6553 07/15/89 P PAYMENT: CHECK NO 6553 1,933.20CR 166.23
1004 05/26/89 I Order # W3983 1,616.83 1,783.06
6553 07/15/89 P PAYMENT: CHECK NO 6553 1,616.83CR 166.23
1005 05/11/89 I Order # W3808 1,780.64 1,946.87
6553 07/15/89 P PAYMENT: CHECK NO 6553 733.90CR 1,212.97
12093 08/15/89 P PAYMENT: CHECK NO 12093 1,046.74CR 166.23
2000 06/11/89 I Order # W4517 1,778.03 1,944.26
12093 08/15/89 P PAYMENT: CHECK NO 12093 1,153.26CR 791.00
3585 08/23/89 P PAYMENT: CHECK NO 3585 558.35CR 232.65
2001 06/22/89 I Order # W5638 1,448.94 1,681.59
3585 08/23/89 P PAYMENT: CHECK NO 3585 1,448.94CR 232.65
2002 06/23/89 I Order per Letter of 6/17/87 400.23 632.88