GLACTMNU General Ledger G/L Account File
G/L Account File
Application Overview
The G/L Account File is used to set up and maintain, as well as print out a list of all or a subset of all accounts on file.
The Account number entered for each record can be divided into three related components employed to define a given account, profit center, and department. Before entering data into this application you must first identify and define these in the Company Setup. For additional information, please refer to the System Manager manual.
Before beginning entry of the G/L Account File data that will be used when the package is in daily operation, you should be fully familiar with all of the data explained in the Package Overview section of this manual. Any extra time spent in determining the best way to set up your G/L Account File will be well-rewarded in the future successful operation of this package.
The copy function allows you to create accounts with either a new profit center for a range of main account numbers and departments, or a new department for a range of main account numbers and profit centers. In the fields below, the Copy From and Copy To ranges for either the profit center or department must be different, but not both at the same time.
For example, you can create a new profit center (10000) for ALL or a range of main account numbers and ALL or a range of department numbers. To do this, enter ALL in the main account number fields; enter 00000 in both Copy From Profit Center fields; and enter ALL in the Copy From Department field. Next, enter the profit center number (10000) you wish to create in both Copy To Profit Center fields. After a Copy is performed, print an Account List to verify that the new accounts have been created properly.
Select G/L Account File from the pull down G/L Maintenance window. The following screen will then be displayed:
G/L Account File Maintenance Entry Screen
The following options are available:
- Select the desired mode from the G/L Account File menu bar
- Enter the data requested on the screen
- To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Entry Field Descriptions
Name | Type and Description |
1. Account No | An account number in the standard account number format. This depends on the account number Account, Profit Center, and Department number format you previously entered in the Company Setup application. Refer to the System Manager manual for formats available. In change or delete mode press the F7 key for account search by number or the F8 key for account search by description. The entry of a zero or spaces for the main account number is reserved for the definition of profit centers. Entry of zero or spaces for the main account will cause the system to prompt for a Profit Center entry and Department will default to zeros. No accounts to which posting is desired may have a main account number of zero or spaces. The definition of profit centers is recommended if your accounting system supports profit centers. In those applications where the entry of a profit center is allowed, the account description entered here will display beside the profit center entered to confirm the validity of the entry. If you do not wish to distinguish between accounts by profit center or department we recommend that these numbers should not be used. To do this, set the number of digits for Profit Center or Departments to 0, using the Company Setup application. This will greatly simplify your chart of accounts. Most users will wish to group accounts logically by main account number. For instance, all P&L accounts might be numbered from 03100 through 99999 with revenue accounts having the numbers up to 03999 and expense accounts having the numbers 04000 through 99999. Similarly, Balance Sheet accounts could be numbered from 01000 through 02999 and grouped according to categories of assets, liabilities and equity. Such numbering conventions are not a requirement of the package, however. Any main account number from 00001 through ZZZZZ is an allowable entry for postable accounts. Main account number 00000 is the only number having a special significance to the package. Posting will not be allowed to accounts bearing a main account number of 00000 or spaces. |
Account Number
| A change to the account number is not allowed in change mode. In order to change the number assigned to an account you must delete the account then add the account with the correct account number. |
2. Description | 30 alphanumeric characters. This is the description that will print on all reports that show this account, including financial statements where the user requests this account to print out. |
3. Counter Bal Acct | An account number in the standard account number format. No validation of the counter‑balancing account occurs at this time. Once the full G/L Accounts has been entered you should verify that each counter‑balancing account referenced has been properly defined. Press the F7 key for account search by number or the F8 key for account search by description. An entry in this field will allow you to answer Yes to the Counter-Balance? question in General Journal Transaction Processing application. If you answer Y to that question, an automatic entry will be made to the account entered here. If no account is entered here, you will not be allowed to make counter-balance entries to the main account number entered above in field #1. |
4. Consolidation Acct | An account number in the standard account number format. No validation of the consolidation account occurs at this time. Once the full G/L Account File has been entered you should verify that each consolidation account referenced has been properly defined. Press the F7 key for account search by number or the F8 key for account search by description. This account allows the user to define the multi‑company consolidation account that this particular account will belong too. |
5. Auto Dist Code | 4 numeric digits. No validation of the Distribution code occurs at this time. The Distribution code need not be on file for it to be entered here. Any number from zero through 9999 is allowed. The validity of a Distribution code can be determined manually from a printout of the Distribution Code file. |
Auto Dist Code | An entry in this field will allow you to answer Yes to the Auto-Distribute? question in the General Journal Transaction Processing application. If you answer Y to that question, an automatic entry will be made to the account entered here. If no account is entered here, auto-distributions will not be allowed for the main account number entered above in field #1. |
6. T/B Subtotal Level | 1 numeric digit. The trial balance subtotal level allows the user to insert his own subtotals anywhere on the trial balance. Up to nine levels of subtotaling are allowed. (These subtotals are in addition to the subtotals generated automatically by the trial balance program each time the main account number changes. Permissible entries for this field are zero through nine. The entry of zero signifies no subtotal. In order to visualize the positions of these subtotals it will help to lay out your entire chart of accounts in numeric order on a sheet of paper or to wait until all accounts have been entered and then work from a G/L Account File printout. The example below will present a highly simplified G/L Account File to demonstrate how the first three subtotaling levels function. Additional levels behave the same way. |
The following accounts exist in the G/L Account File:
Account Description Subtotal-Level
01005-00000-00000 Petty Cash 1
01010-00000-00000 Cash in Bank - Account #1 0
01015-00000-00000 Cash in Bank - Account #2 2
01040-00000-00000 Accounts Receivable - Trade 3
The Trial Balance would appear as follows:
Account Description Balance
01005-00000-00000 Petty Cash 100.00
Account 01005 Totals: 100.00
Subtotal Level 1: 100.00
01010-00000-00000 Cash in Bank - Account #1 10,000.00
Account 01010 Totals: 10,000.00
01015-00000-00000 Cash in Bank - Account #2 10,000.00
Account 01015 Totals: 10,000.00
Subtotal Level 2: 20,100.00
01040-00000-00000 Accounts Receivable - Trade 25,000.00
Account 01040 Totals: 25,000.00
Subtotal Level 3: 45,100.00
You can see from this example that the subtotaling levels were utilized to show the relationships among various asset accounts. The first subtotal level showed total petty cash. The second subtotal level showed the total of cash. The third subtotal level showed total current assets.
Requirements for the insertion of subtotal levels are highly flexible. The primary rule to remember is that when a subtotal is printed, its stored total is set to zero, as are the stored totals of all lower subtotals.
In the example above, the first subtotal is set to zero after it is printed. If Cash in Bank--Account #2 had been coded with a subtotal level of 1 instead of a subtotal level of 2 the subtotal amount printed after petty cash would have been 20,000.00 instead of 20,100.00. In the example above, the subtotal for levels 2 and 1 are set to zero once the subtotal amount for level 2 has been printed. Likewise, all three subtotals are set to zero once the subtotal for level 3 has been printed.
Following this basic rule, subtotals may be assigned to any of the postable accounts in the G/L Account File with predictable results. Very few users will require all nine available levels. We provide this many merely to ensure the fullest possible flexibility for this feature.
Name | Type and Description |
7. Fin Statement Type | Must be a B or a P. B = Balance Sheet P = Profit and Loss (P&L) There is no default. The financial statement type defines the account as a Balance Sheet or P&L type account. Asset, liability and equity accounts should be identified as Balance Sheet accounts. Revenue and expense accounts should be identified as P&L accounts. An entry is required for all postable accounts. |
Fin Statement Type (continued) | It is vitally important that the financial statement type be properly assigned. Subsequent applications rely upon this information being correct. For example, the year-end closing procedure cannot execute properly if information in this field is not correct. |
8. SAF Type | 1 alphabetic character. May be left blank. If you desire to automatically generate the Statement Of Cash Flows and the Sources and Applications of Funds Statements you must assign an SAF type to each Balance Sheet account. An entry is not required by the program, however, since some users may wish to postpone implementation of this feature. A submenu will appear showing the SAF type options. Every Balance Sheet account must be categorized into one of six basic types in order to generate the statement of cash flows and run the source and application of funds reports. SAF Types: 1. C = Cash 2. N = Non‑cash charges against income (e.g.,accumulated depreciation, allowance for bad debts) 3. A = Current assets (excluding cash) 4. L = Current liabilities 5. F = Cash flow (financing) 6. I = Cash flow (investing) |
9. Paren Control Code | 1 alphabetic character. Must be a C or a D for all postable accounts. There is no default. The parenthetical control code specifies whether the account is typically a debit or credit account. On financial statements, non‑typical balances are enclosed in parentheses to set the balance off from the other balances shown on the statement. An entry of D, or C is required for each postable account depending upon whether the account is typically debit or typically credit. A submenu will appear to remind the operator of the available options. |
Paren Control Code (continued) | Typically debit accounts would be all expense and asset accounts. Typically credit accounts would be all revenue, liability and equity accounts. Certain accounts may be coded with a parenthesis control code opposite from the account's typical balance so that the account's balance would appear within parentheses under normal circumstances. (For instance, contra‑asset accounts such as accumulated depreciation could appear in the assets section of the Balance Sheet highlighted by parentheses.) |
10. Compression Code | 1 alphabetic character. Defaults to N for No compression. The compression code is required for all accounts. This code is accessed by the Compress General Ledger Trx File application. Refer to the Application Overview of that application for more information When the compression application is run, transactions for a given account will be consolidated into a single transaction for each day or each period or will not be consolidated at all depending on the entry for the compression code. N = No compression D = By Date P = By Period S = By Source Within Date X = By Source Within Period If you want no compression for this account's transactions, enter N for no compression. If you desire all transactions for the accounts to be consolidated into a single transaction for each day, enter D, for date compression. If you desire all transactions for the account to be consolidated into a single transaction for each period, enter P, for period compression If you desire the identity of the source to be retained while still consolidating transactions by date, enter S for source‑ within‑date compression. If you desire the identity of the source to be retained while still consolidating transactions by period, enter X for source‑within‑period compression. |
11. Ratio Type | 2 alphanumeric characters. Ratios are a grouping together of a specific related set of accounts for generating Financial Ratios. You Must enter one of the following ratio types. For additional information refer to the Financial Ratio reports application. Press F7 to search for an appropriate type. C = Cash CA = Other Current Assets CL = Other Current Liabilities CS = Cost Of Goods Sold D = Depreciation E = Property, Plant, Equipment I = Inventory N = No Ratio Type OA = Other Non-current Asset OE = Other Equity OL = Other Non-current Liability P = Payables R = Receivables RE = Retained Earnings S = Sales ST = Common/Preferred Stock If you do not want to define a ratio type, enter N to delineate No Ratio Type. |
11. Inactive Account? | Y or N. If you answer Y, the G/L Account will be flagged as inactive and will not show up in the F7 search window and will not allowed to be used throughout the system. You can still pull up the account for maintenance (in this screen), in each sub module account maintenance (AR, AP, PR, IM & JC), GL Account Inquiry, Financial Entity Maintenance and in the report printing selection screen that prompts for an account number. RETURN defaults to N. |
Copy Account Numbers
Name | Type and Description |
Starting Main Account | A main account number in the standard account number format. Enter the starting main account number of the range of accounts for which a new profit center or department will be created. Pressing the RETURN key defaults to All accounts. |
Ending Main Account | A main account number in the standard account number format. Enter the ending account number of the range of accounts for which a new profit center or department will be created. |
Copy From
Name | Type and Description |
Starting Profit Center | A profit center number in the standard profit center format. Enter the starting profit center number for the range to be copied from. Default is to ALL profit centers. |
Ending Profit Center | A profit center number in the standard profit center format. Enter the ending profit center number for the range to be copied from. Default is to the starting profit center. |
Starting Department | A department number in the standard department number format. Enter the starting department number for the range to be copied from. |
Ending Department | A department number in the standard department number format. Enter the ending department number for the range to be copied form. |
Copy To
Name | Type and Description |
Starting Profit Center | A profit center number in the standard profit center format. Enter the starting profit center number for the range to be copied to. |
Ending Profit Center | A profit center number in the standard profit center format. Enter the ending profit center number for the range to be copied to. |
Starting Department | A department number in the standard department number format Enter the starting department number for the range to be copied to. |
Ending Department | A department number in the standard department number format. Enter the ending department number for the range to be copied to. |
Numeric List
Name | Type and Description |
1. Starting Account | An account number in the standard format. The account number entered need not be a valid account on the G/L Account File. It will still serve to define the beginning of the range for the printout. Pressing the RETURN key defaults to All accounts. |
2. Ending Account | Same format as for the starting account number. Pressing RETURN defaults to the same account as the starting account number entry. |
3. Financial Entity | 5 alphanumeric characters. Enter the financial entity you wish to see represented on the list of accounts, or press the RETURN key if you do not wish to show accounts belonging only to a single entity. If a non‑blank value for this field is entered, the Entity file is checked to make sure that this entity has previously been entered and defined. |
4. Profit Center | A standard profit center number in the standard profit center number format. Enter the profit center you wish to see represented on the list of accounts or press the RETURN key to default to All profit centers. Pressing the RETURN key defaults to All profit centers. Entry of a single profit center or a single financial entity are mutually exclusive. If you entered a non‑blank financial entity above, the entry of a profit center will be skipped. |
5.Show Inactive Accounts Only ? | Y or N. If you answer Y, the G/L Account File List will show only those accounts that have no transaction in the General Ledger Transaction file (the main Year‑to‑Date file). RETURN defaults to N. |
Alpha List
Name | Type and Description |
Starting Description | 30 alphanumeric characters. Enter the beginning of the range for the printout. Pressing the RETURN key defaults to All accounts. |
Ending Description | Same format as for the starting description. Pressing RETURN defaults to the same description as the starting description entry. |
Financial Entity | 5 alphanumeric characters. Enter the financial entity you wish to see represented on the list of accounts, or press the RETURN key if you do not wish to show accounts belonging only to a single entity. If a non‑blank value for this field is entered, the Entity file is checked to make sure that this entity has previously been entered and defined. |
Profit Center | A standard profit center number in the standard profit center number format. Enter the profit center number you wish to see represented on the list of accounts or press the RETURN key to default to All profit centers. Pressing the RETURN key defaults to All profit centers. Entry of a single profit center or a single financial entity are mutually exclusive. If you entered a non‑blank financial entity above, the entry of a profit center will be skipped. |
Show Inactive Accounts Only ? | Y or N. If you answer Y, the G/L Account File List will show only those accounts that have no transaction in the General Ledger Transaction file (the main Year‑to‑Date file). RETURN defaults to N. |
Account Search By Number
G/L Account File Maintenance
Copy Account Numbers
Numeric G/L Account List

Alphabetic G/L Account List
G/L Account File
Application Overview
The G/L Account File inquiry enables you to view the information that is currently on file. You will not be able to change any of the information that is displayed.
This feature displays an account description, counter balance account, consolidation account, auto distribution code, T/B subtotal level, financial statement type, Saf type, parenthesis control code, compression code, and ratio type for each account number requested.
Run Instructions
Select G/L Account File from the pull down G/L Inquiry window. The following screen will then be displayed:
G/L Account File Inquiry Entry Screen
The following options are available:
- Select the desired mode from the G/L Account File menu bar
- Enter the Account Number you wish to display
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Entry Field Descriptions
The information provided in fields for 2 through 11 is for display purposes only. If you want to enter new information use the G/L Account File Maintenance application.
Name | Type and Description |
1. Account No | An account number in the standard account number format. Enter a valid account number on file in G/L Account File Maintenance application. Press the F7 key for account search by number or the F8 key for account search by description. |
2. Description | 30 alphanumeric characters. The description is automatically displayed when an appropriate account number is entered. |
3. Counter Bal Acct | An account number in the standard account number format. If a counter balance number is on file it will be automatically displayed. |
4. Consolidation Acct | An account number in the standard account number format. If a Consolidation Account is on file it will be automatically displayed This field displays the multi‑company consolidation account that this particular account will belong too. |
5. Auto Dist Code | 4 numeric digits. If an Auto Dist Code account is on file it will be automatically displayed. |
6. T/B Subtotal Level | 1 numeric digit. This field is automatically displayed. |
T/B Subtotal Level (continued) | In the G/L Account File, application The trial balance subtotal level allows the user to insert his own subtotals anywhere on the trial balance. Up to nine levels of subtotaling are allowed. (These subtotals are in addition to the subtotals generated automatically by the trial balance program each time the main account number changes.) |
7. Fin Statement Type | 1 alphabetic character. This field will display one of the following: B = Balance Sheet P = Profit and Loss (P&L) The financial statement type defines the account as a Balance Sheet or P&L type account. Asset, liability and equity accounts are identified as Balance Sheet accounts. Revenue and expense accounts are identified as P&L accounts. |
8. Saf Type | 1 alphabetic character. Every Balance Sheet account is categorized into one of six basic types in order to run source and application of funds reports. This field may appear as blank or display one the following SAF Types: 1. C = Cash 2. N = Non‑cash charges against income (e.g., accumulated depreciation, allowance for bad debts) 3. A = Current assets (excluding cash) 4. L = Current liabilities 5. F = Cash flow (financing) 6. I = Cash flow (investing) If your company desires to automatically generate the Statement Of Cash Flows and the Sources and Applications of Funds Statements an SAF Type must be assigned to each Balance Sheet account in the G/L Account File Maintenance application. |
9. Paren Control Code | 1 alphabetic character. The parenthesis control code specifies whether the account is typically a debit or credit account. On financial statements, non‑typical balances are enclosed in parentheses to set the balance off from the other balances shown on the statement. This field will display an entry of D, or C for each postable account depending upon whether the account is typically debit or typically credit. |
Paren Control Code (continued) | Typically debit accounts would be all expense and asset accounts. Typically credit accounts would be all revenue, liability and equity accounts. 1 alphabetic character. Certain accounts may be coded with a parenthesis control code opposite from the account's typical balance so that the account's balance would appear within parentheses under normal circumstances. (For instance, contra‑asset accounts such as accumulated depreciation could appear in the assets section of the Balance Sheet highlighted by parentheses.) |
10. Compression Code | 1 alphabetic character. This field displays one of the following: N = No compression D = Date compression P = Period compression S = Date compression within source X = Period compression within source This code is accessed by the Compress General Ledger Trx File application. Refer to the Application Overview of that application for more information. When the compression application is run, transactions for a given account will be consolidated into a single transaction for each day or each period or will not be consolidated at all depending on the entry for the compression code. |
11. Ratio Type | 1 alphanumeric character. Ratios are a grouping together of a specific related set of accounts for generating Financial Ratios. One of the following entries will be displayed: C = Cash CA = Other Current Assets CL = Other Current Liabilities CS = Cost Of Goods Sold D = Depreciation E = Property, Plant, Equipment I = Inventory N = No Ratio Type OA = Other noncurrent Asset OE = Other Equity Ol = Other Non-Current Liability |
Ratio Type (continued) | P = Payables R = Receivables RE = Retained Earnings S = Sales S = Common/Preferred Stock |
G/L Account File Inquiry