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PO05S1 Purchase Order and Receiving Receivings Audit Trail Report

Receivings Audit Trail Report


Application Overview

 You may print the Receivings Audit Trail Report as often as you like.  It may be printed for a range of purchase order numbers, item numbers and receipt dates.  This report lists a great deal of information from the purchase order line item, as well as the information that was entered for the receiving. Each add, change and delete record for each receiving is itemized on the report.  The user ID of the operator who entered, changed or deleted the receiving, the number of the terminal upon which this was done and the date and time of day when it was done are all recorded on this report.

 You may purge Audit Trail records from the file during the printing of the report or as a separate action.  Be sure to retain a copy of the report to be used for reference after the records have been purged.


Run Instructions

 Select Receivings Audit Trail Report from the pull down P/O Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



    The following options are available:

    • Select the desired mode from the Receivings Audit Trail menu bar
    • Enter the data requested on the screen

     To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


    Entry Field Descriptions



    Type and Description

    1.   Purge File ?

    Y or N.

    Defaults to N. If you wish the file to be purged, answer Y.  Otherwise, answer N.

    2.   Starting PO No

    6 numeric digits followed by 2 numeric digits (999999-99).

    Defaults to All.

    Enter the purchase order number of the first purchase order that is to be included among those considered for printing or purging.  The number need not be that of a valid purchase order.

    3.   Ending PO No

    6 numeric digits followed by 2 numeric digits (999999-99). 

    Defaults to the starting order number's value.

    Enter the purchase order number of the last purchase order that is to be included among those considered for

    printing or purging.  The number need not be that of a valid purchase order.

    4.   Starting Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Defaults to All.

    Enter the item number of the first item that is to be included among those considered for printing or purging.  The number need not be that of a valid item.

    5.   Ending Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Defaults to the starting item number's value.

    Enter the item number of the last item that is to be included among those considered for printing or purging.  The number need not be that of a valid item.

    6.   Starting Date Entered

    A date in the standard date format.

    Defaults to All.

    Enter the entry date of the earliest receiving that is to be included among those considered for printing or purging.

    7.   Ending Date Entered

    A date in the standard date format 

    Defaults to the starting date.

    Enter the entry date of the latest receiving that is to be included among those considered for printing or purging.

    Run Date: Nov 13, 1992 ‑ 12:43pm         Elliott Electronics Co.                                                            Page    1

                                          R E C E I V I N G S   A U D I T   T R A I L   R E P O R T

     Range: All Purchase Orders

           All Items

           All Entry Dates  

    Po‑Number  Line  Item‑Number        Comm‑Cd      Vendor‑No     Prom‑Date     Qty‑Ord Um  Expctd‑Cost      Qty‑Rej  Um  Rej‑Reason

                     Item‑Description             Vendor‑Item‑No   Rcpt‑Date     Qty‑Rec Um  Actual‑Cost   Old‑Qty‑Oh  Um Old‑Avg‑Cost

                                                  Notify  Move‑To   Job‑No       Tot‑Rec Um  Recv   Loc    New‑Qty‑Oh  Um New‑Avg‑Cost

    000001‑00  001   CHAR‑GEN                          000100       02/03/92      50.000 EA       7.8000         .000  EA

                     Character Generator At 25 Meg                  02/03/92      10.000 EA       7.8000         .000  EA       7.8000

                     Character ‑ Gen ‑ 25           JLB      QC      PC100        10.000 EA          LA        10.000  EA       7.8000

                                 Transaction  Added   At 20:18:04 On 02/03/92

    000001‑00  002   PAR‑PORT                          000100       02/03/92      40.000 EA      10.0000         .000  EA

                     Parallel Port For I/O                          02/03/92      10.000 EA      10.0000         .000  EA      10.0000

                     Parallel Port                  JLB      QC      PC100        10.000 EA          LA        10.000  EA      10.0000

                                 Transaction  Added   At 20:18:21 On 02/03/92  

    000001‑00  003   SER‑PORT                          000100       02/03/92      40.000 EA       8.0000         .000  EA

                     Serial Port For Z80 25 Meg                     02/03/92      10.000 EA       8.0000         .000  EA       7.0000

                     Serial ‑ Port                  JLB      QC      PC100        10.000 EA          LA        10.000  EA       8.0000

                                 Transaction  Added   At 20:18:40 On 02/03/92

    000002‑00  001   VID‑AD                            000200       02/03/92      40.000 EA       5.5400         .000  EA

                     Video Addressing Module                        02/03/92      10.000 EA       5.5400         .000  EA       5.5400

                     Vid ‑ Address                  JLB      QC      PC100        10.000 EA          LA        10.000  EA       5.5400

                                 Transaction  Added   At 20:19:01 On 02/03/92

    000002‑00  001   VID‑AD                            000200       02/03/92      40.000 EA       5.5400         .000  EA

                     Video Addressing Module                        02/03/92       1.000 EA       5.5400         .000  EA        .0000

                     Vid ‑ Address                  JLB      QC      PC100         1.000 EA          LA         1.000  EA       5.5400

                     Serial # ‑ VID‑1234‑1

                                 Transaction  Added   At 21:47:16 On 02/03/92





    Receivings Audit Summary Report












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