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Feature -- PO Ship-to File Maintenance Determine Drop Ship Location by State/Zip Code Tables

Release date 6/25/16

A new feature has been added to verify that the correct default location has been entered in Ship-to Maintenance.

To use this verification, begin by entering "Y" in PO Global Control, field:  42. Determine PO Drop Ship Loc by State/Zip Code Tables ?

Then, in Ship-to File Maintenance, if field "3. Drop Ship ?" is "Y," after tabbing past field "8. Address-3", the program will use the
information entered in Address-3 to find the correct default location, looking first in the Zip Code table, then in the State table.  If a
location is not found using Address-3 (or address-3 is not entered), the same search will be attempted with Address-2 information.

Please note that the code interprets the information entered in the address fields by assuming that (reading from the right side) the
first string is the Zip Code value and the second string is the state.  State must also be all capital letters to find a match in the State

If an incorrect location has been entered in the "4. Location" field, the following message will appear:

Selecting Y will cause the Location field to be changed and re-displayed.  Selecting N will result in no change.

Modified Programs:  NSCTLMN3, PO1401

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