Feature - Recalculate AP Vendor YTD and Last Year Amount
Release Date: 7/6/2016
A new menu item has been added to Util-Setup -> Global Setup -> Utilities -> A/P Utilities -> Utilities -> Reset A/P YTD and Last Year
This function will recalculate/reset the Year to Date (YTD) and Last Year amount in A/P Vendor File:
- Vendor Purchase YTD
- Vendor Purchase Last Year
- Vendor Amount Paid YTD
- Vendor Amount Paid Last Year
- Vendor Discounts YTD
- Vendor Discounts Last Year
This utility is designed to help when you miss the year-end closing procedure for Accounts Payable on time. During the Accounts Payable year-end procedure, you should perform Accounts Payable -> Processing -> Clear Vendor YTD Accumulators.
This utility will allow users to reset these fields at a later time if the Clear Vendor YTD Accumulators function was not run at the proper time. See sample screen below:
This utility will allow users to reset these fields at a later time if the Clear Vendor YTD Accumulators function was not run at the proper time. See sample screen below:

Users have the option to choose to recalculate either the Purchase YTD and Last Year, the Amount Paid and Discounts YTD and Last Year, or both.
The options are selected by separate screen field entry. Select Y (yes) to perform the selected recalculations. It is suggested that:
Words of Caution
Please be aware that the amount paid and discounts taken will be recalculated based on the check date in the APOPNFIL (A/P Open Item) table. If your AP check date is different from your print and post AP check date, then the amount paid can be different from your original value in the vendor file.
Also, the A/P Open Item Amount contains the freight and miscellaneous amounts from the voucher that was posted. These amounts are not updated to the vendor purchase YTD and Last Year during the new AP transaction posting routine. Since we don't have these two amounts saved separately in the AP open item file, this utility may not recalculate vendor purchase YTD and Last Year correctly.
If you already purged this year's or last year's A/P Open Item to history, then you should not use this utility.
- If you are using calendar year, then you should answer "Y" to both questions.
- If you are using fiscal year and you don't need to send out 1099 forms by using Elliott 1099 printing function, then you should answer "Y" to both questions. Make sure the Year Start date matches your fiscal year start date.
- If you are using fiscal year and you do need to send out 1099 forms from Elliott, then you may answer "Y" to one of them, or both with a different year start date. Elliott prints 1099 forms based on vendor amount paid YTD or last year on the calendar basis. Therefore, the time period basis to recalculate amount paid (calendar year) should be different from the purchase amount (fiscal year).
Words of Caution
Please be aware that the amount paid and discounts taken will be recalculated based on the check date in the APOPNFIL (A/P Open Item) table. If your AP check date is different from your print and post AP check date, then the amount paid can be different from your original value in the vendor file.
Also, the A/P Open Item Amount contains the freight and miscellaneous amounts from the voucher that was posted. These amounts are not updated to the vendor purchase YTD and Last Year during the new AP transaction posting routine. Since we don't have these two amounts saved separately in the AP open item file, this utility may not recalculate vendor purchase YTD and Last Year correctly.
If you already purged this year's or last year's A/P Open Item to history, then you should not use this utility.