Email Credit Card Receipt upon Credit Card Charges in Elliott
It will be nice to email user the credit card receipt upon the following type of credit card transactions:
Sales, Refund, Complete, Force, Void
There's no need for Pre-authorization. This feature need to be turned on through global setup in the on-line credit card processing area because not all Elliott users necessary want this feature. The default value is "N". The user who will receive the credit card receipt is determined as followings:
(1) From Sales Desk, the primary contacts on the ship-to or customers.
(2) From Order Entry Billing screen, the primary contacts on the order, if not, the primary contacts on ship-to or customers.
(3) From A/R Customer Account Summary Inquiry, the primary contact on the customer.
(4) From A/R Credit Card Trx Processing, the eContacts of the credit card owner if F7 is used. If F7 is not used, then the Primary contact of the customer.
The primary eContact of the customer principle above does not apply to miscellaneous customer.
Project completed and full support is available in the current 8.6 Elliott release. See KB article:
We should implement this like PDF Post office but not using PDF at all. User can layout the email template by login as SUPERVISOR and make it enforce. The system manager need to be modified to support the variables so it will do a merge and present the final output per user's layout. This is a Jim's project.