A Permanent Solution to Resolve CP3HS999.BTR Work File to Resolve Sales History Trx Edit List by Location/Item Locking Problem
CP3HSxxx.BTR are work files created by Sales History Trx Edit List by Location/Item. If NTFS security is implemented, CP3HSxxx.BTR may remain until CP3HS999.BTR file is reached. From there, user will not be able to run this report anymore. This is documented in the following KB article: http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/765105-what-are-cp3hsxxx-btr-files-can-we-delete-them
It is suggested that we should have a permanent solution to this issue. Our opinion is that (1) Not everyone implement NTFS security; (2) Not everyone run this report; (3) Not everyone run this report with high frequency.
In addition this issue is now documented so user can manually deleted the CP3HSxxx.BTR work files to solve this problem. Plus when we release the Report Desk feature, this may no longer be an issue. So we consider this is a low priority item.
This issue is resolved.