Force Export Carrier Data in Shipped Data Export to Be Yes
For exporting EDI ASN, user will go to COP -> Utilities -> Sales Order Export -> Shipped Data Export (or Shipped History Data Export). Under most situation, the flag "4. Export Carrier Data" should be "Y" and system default to "Y". If user accidentally change this flag to "N", then the ASN mapping will not be processed correctly due to the "S" (Shipment record) will not be created.
It is suggested that if a trading partner as EDI profile setup up in the customer file, we shall then force "4. Export Carrier Data" to "Y" so user has not option to enter it as "N" to cause issue.
It is also suggested that the flag should be change to "4. Export (S)hipment Data" to be more clear. In the line 24, add message "For EDI ASN Mapping, You must answer 'Y'"