Feature - Export Orders with WO Line Item Only in Shipped Data Export
Version: 8.5 & Up
In COP -> Utility -> Sales Order Export -> Export -> Shipped Order Data Export, a new flag is added:
14. Export Orders with WO Line Item Only?
The possible values are:
- Y=WO Line Item Only (All line items in the order must be work order line items)
- N=Stock Line Item Only (All line items in the order must be non-work-order line items)
- M=Mix with Both WO & Stock Items (Items in the order must contain both WO and non-WO line items)
- A/Space=All (No filter condition based on this flag) - default
The WO Line Items are identified as those line items that are copied to the BOMP to become work orders. See sample screen below:

The purpose of this flag is to allow users to further narrow down more precisely within a range of orders of what should be sent as an ASN.
Please also see the following KB article that shows the multi-select feature is also supported: