Feature - PO Header EDI Flag
Updated: 2/15/22

Allow One-Digit Ship-To Location Code

Version: 8.5 & Up
PO Header EDI Flag
A purchase order header EDI flag has been added. See following sample screen.

The purpose of this flag is to add finite control to determine which PO should be exported for EDI purposes, and which should not be. The following are the considerations:
- Generally speaking, if a vendor has an EDI profile defined, then the new PO flag "21. EDI Flag" will default to "Y" and thus be exported.
- If adding a drop ship purchase order and the vendor has an EDI profile defined, the default values of the new PO flag "21. EDI Flag" will be determined by the EDI profile setting "9. Default Drop Ship PO EDI Flag to 'Y'?". If set to N, the field will default to N. Otherwise, it will default to Y.
- In some situations, even though a vendor has an EDI profile defined, the user may choose not to export certain POs to the EDI platform. In that case, the user can override flag "21. EDI flag" to "N."
- During the transition period, after the EDI profile is added to the vendor, the old one created before will not be on the new EDI platform. Since those old PO EDI flags have blank values, they will be considered as "N" and not exported.
- If a vendor EDI profile is not defined, then flag "21. EDI Flag" will be displayed as "N/A" and the system will store a blank value for this flag internally. In that case, the exporting of the PO follows original logic for backward compatibility.
This feature is related to the Vendor EDI Profile feature. Please see the following KB article for more information:
The existing field “21. Promise Date,” which is available in Change mode, is now field 22. If an EDI profile exists for the vendor, the field will default to Y but can be changed to N if the user does not want to export the purchase order. This field can be changed in Add or Change mode of Purchase Order Entry.
Note: In addition, there are other areas that can create Purchase Orders. These applications follow the same rule. This includes Buyer Desk, PO Import, Copy PO, Requisition Posting …etc. The Purchase Order EDI flag will use the default value. That is:
- If the vendor EDI profile exists, the flag will be set to “Y.” If the order that is created is a drop ship order, the flag will be set based up the "9. Default Drop Ship PO EDI Flag to 'Y'?" option in the Vendor EDI Profile. User can manually change it after the PO is created.
- If the vendor EDI profile does not exist, then the flag will be set to blank and will be shown as N/A.
Allow One-Digit Ship-To Location Code
Also, there's a special logic to make sure the PO header ship-to location code is be longer than one digit when the following conditions are matched:
- Vendor EDI profile exists; and
- The PO EDI flag is set to Y; and
- Vendor EDI Profile flag "8. Allow 1 Digit Ship-To Location Code" is set to N. See sample screen below:

The default value of flag "8. Allow 1 Digit Ship-To Location Code?" is "N." In EDI 850, the minimum PO ship-to code is two digits. This flag will prevent users from choosing a one-digit ship-to-code, which may result in rejection of the PO..
Purchase Order Edit List
The Purchase Order Edit List now includes the EDI flag

Purchase Order Inquiry
The Purchase Order Inquiry and corresponding drill-down screen now shows the literal "EDI" for purchase orders that have the EDI flag set to Y.