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How Is The User ID Field In The Salesman File Used?

Release: 12/8/2022
Version: 7.5 & Up

In AR Salesman Maintenance, field 7 is User ID.

This field must be a valid Elliott user or can be left blank.  A valid user list can be printed by logging into Elliott as SUPERVISOR or an equivalent and going to System Utilities, Password Setup, and List, The user must also have access to the company the salesman record belongs. 

The purpose of this field is to reassign the user for any Attributes for the salesman when the salesman is changed with the Mass Change Salesman Utility in Global Setup under Utilities and A/R Utilities.  The Mass Change Salesman Utility can update the salesman in the AR Customer record, the COP Ship-To record, any open sales orders, the Wish List, and update the user in the Attributes associated with those records.  If Attribute security is turned on (based on User Global Security and Allow Change/Delete Others' Attribute), then it is important to allow the new salesman to edit the Attributes created by the old salesman. Attribute security is controlled by the Elliott User ID, not by the salesman.  This field creates the proper cross-reference from salesman to user ID.  More information about this feature can be found here:

The User ID is not used anywhere else in Elliott and does not effect security.


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