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  1. Plus WO - Allow to create shortage after the intial issue to WIP

    If user issue material to WIP by mistake, then fix the mistake by reporting a negative quantity, it is not possible to create a shortage. I assume that there should be Fkey to indicate that the zero means to create a shortage. The item highligted in the picture was issued to wip by mistake, the transaction was reversed but it is not possible to mark it as Shotrage.

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  2. Plus WO - Link the PO cost to the Outside Operation FOB Cost

    There is already a link between the WO Plus Outside Operation to the PO Line. The WO Outside Operation Cost is not populated. I sugest to do it (and user can change),

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  3. Give Warning on Sales Order Import when Ship-To File's Address Is Different from Sales Order ASCII File

    It has come to our notice that in some situations, the trading partner can provide a store number with the ship-to address and flag the order as drop-ship. When it is drop ship, ESS will map the ship-to address. The provided ship-to address in sales order will override the address in ship-to file for the store. This can be potentially problematic.

    We suggest that a trading partner flag be added "Warning if Import Ship-To Address Is Different?" Default is "Y". We should also support an event for this condition. In some situation, there are certain trading partner use a special…

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  4. Add "Print on AP Check Stub" as a Notetype option or extended voucher reference

    Often the Reference field #15 in AP voucher creation is not long enough for all the information needed which results in having to add hand written details on a check stub.

    The suggestion is to
    1) either add a notetype option to print on check stubs so that a note can be added to a voucher, or

    2) Add an extended Reference field to the voucher which will automatically print on the checks.

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  5. Payment Reference Information - PO Number Missing

    It occurs often that the PO Number is missing from the payment reference information.

    The reference field is in Elliott billing screen. While the default format of reference field is PO# + Order#, we support user to override the reference field in order billing screen. So let’s consider a scenario as following:

    1. When a sales order is first entered. There’s no PO#.
    2. User access the billing screen. The reference field is being populated as “PO# blank + Order# XXXXXX”.
    3. User later on change the PO# in the order header.
    4. User may or may not go to the billing screen again.…
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  6. Cash Receipt Batch List Order

    When viewing the list of open batches in Cash Recipt Processing, set the list order to be alphanumeric so they are in a determinal order each time.

    Or, provide an option to sort the already visible list that does not include further I/O.

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  7. Search by Customer Item Number

    Often times a customer will provide us a list of questions regarding their item number rather than our item numbers, ie special pricing requests.

    Currently in order to determine what our item number is we look it up by searching by customer item number in Order entry which is very cumbersome and we run the risk of inadvertently changing the COP order.

    I suggest to add the Customer Item Search in Invoice Inquiry by Customer and in Stock Status. If necessary the system could prompt for the customer number

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    I think the key issue is we should identify customer number first.  There's one important feature called "Sales Desk" which is a great tool to interact with customer.  You can lookup items in this function. Since the customer number is required as the first step, so it will provide pricing, it can also optionally create an order from the sales desk.  You can access sales desk from COP -> Processing -> Sales Desk.  Unlike Order Entry, you won't accidental alter an order in Sales Desk. If you have never used it before, you should try it, it might require some setup in Global Setup before you can use it. I suggest to provide the search by customer item number from Sales Desk screen. Pease let me know your thought.

  8. COP Order Inquiry should show payment details including GL account

    When COP Order is entered with an amount paid in the order totals screen we are able to enter the amount paid, Check No, Check Date and Cash account. However, after an order is invoiced this information cannot be retrieved. The information does not show in the Totals screen nor in the F2 Payments Screen. It should be available in COP order inquiry Totals or in the Payments Screen.

    This would make it much easier to determine which GL account payment has been posted to.

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  9. Support UDR Sales History Trx Edit List Reports in Elliott 8.6

    In COP -> Processing -> Sales History Trx Processing -> Reports -> Edit List, we currently do not support Report Desk. We are here proposing to add UDR support for Sales History Trx Edit List. One of the main consideration is CPHSTTRX table primary key begin with Invoice Date. Most of the sales history report are limited to a particular date range. Therefore, all sales history report will have a date range. Using CPHSTTRX table as the primary table for sales analysis will result in best performance. I suggest we also join to the following tables:
    * left join CPINVHDR…

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  10. Back order Audit Trail Report csv expot

    We use the Backorder audit trail report to determine what orders are ready to be picked. However the report is printed in order by item instead of order-no.

    Add an option to export to csv file so it can easily be sorted.

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  11. Add PR Distribution Report to User Purge Control

    PR Distribution Report allow purge. But the purge is not controllable under Global Setup -> System -> User Purge Control.

    It is suggested that PR Distribution Report be added to User Purge Control.

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  12. Inv/Doc Number not displayed in Mass PO Receiving

    Inv/Doc Number should be displayed in Mass PO receiving as entered in the vessel file. Currently it displays as blank.

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  13. Ability to import batch of AP Manual Checks assigning check # by Voucher instead of by Vendor

    Currently when importing a batch of AP transactions with manual checks, if there are multiple transactions/vouchers with the same vendor number, the system will assign one manual check number to all vouchers with the same vendor number. Would like to be able to import and assign manual check numbers by voucher.

    This is useful in the scenario when we have a TPA writing checks on a separate bank account that is reconciled within Elliott but there is not a need to track vendor specific AP information.

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  14. Reduction in data on a transfer ticket

    When printing out transfer tickets is it possible for the accounting system to take into account the quantity of a component part
    Already in the production bin such that it does not show/or that it is noted on transfer ticket briefly.

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  15. Transfer Tickets - Backwards calculating from the MWO start date or Sales order ship date

    When transfer tickets are automatically created there should be logic (or an global setting)
    To have the transfer ticket “Transaction date” backward calculated from the material
    Work order start date or Sales ship date.

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  16. Add an option to include The Fixed Cost Per Unit when calculating Landed Cost

    Currently on the Landed Cost Global setup field 7 has 2 options: Last Landed Cost and Landed Cost Factor. I suggest to add an option to include the Fixed Cost Per Item. If users chooses this option the system will calculate the Landed cost as FOB Cost * Landed Cost Factor + Fixed Cost Per Unit.

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  17. viewing links in COP inquiry via Order number and Invoice number mode

    Would it be possible to consider showing the links for both Posted invoice and Order number inquiry mode?

    When speaking with a customer we tend to have the invoice number and would like to see the link for a BOL.

    Under the current system one must inquiry first the inv#, then write down the job#, go to said job no and then you can see the valid link
    For a BOL where it is stored.

    It would be nice if the links would show up in either inquiry by inv# or job#, and simply see the link.

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  18. Option Not to Create Pegging File During ATP Regen

    In ATP Regen, the pegging file is to support the ATP inquiry drill down to pegging (F7 Key), or printing of pegging report. Pegging information may be valuable for planner. But most of the people do not use Pegging information.

    During ATP regen, it automatically regenerate pegging information and can be time consuming. If you do not use pegging data, then there should be an option to disable the regeneration of pegging. It is suggest that we add a flag in Global Setup -> System -> Available to Promise:
    38. Create Pegging Data During ATP Regen? Y/N
    Default "Y" to…

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  19. Force Export Carrier Data in Shipped Data Export to Be Yes

    For exporting EDI ASN, user will go to COP -> Utilities -> Sales Order Export -> Shipped Data Export (or Shipped History Data Export). Under most situation, the flag "4. Export Carrier Data" should be "Y" and system default to "Y". If user accidentally change this flag to "N", then the ASN mapping will not be processed correctly due to the "S" (Shipment record) will not be created.

    It is suggested that if a trading partner as EDI profile setup up in the customer file, we shall then force "4. Export Carrier Data" to "Y" so user has not option…

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