Elliott Forum
143 results found
Stock status Inquiry - Default Location
Stock status Inquiry - Default Location
Since there is no current setting for setting the default location in stock
status inquiry would it be possible for it to remember the users last choice? This would prevent constant changing. This is important for
multi-bin setups.2 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
See KB article for detail: http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/1948048-feature-stock-status-inquiry-store-location-in-r
Warning if entering a Credit memo for a fully paid invoice
User can enter a new Credit Memo (using COP, Order Entry, Change F4) when the invoice is fully paid or has another Credit memo that made the invoice a zero balance. I suggest to give the user a warning if this is the case to prevent a duplicate CM. I can see the difficulty to do it in a simple COP, Order Entry Add, when adding a CM, but should be handle in Change, F4 to create a CM against the invoice.
4 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This change will be available in Elliott v8.5. See http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/1923316-feature-credit-memo-warning-when-fully-paid for more information.
On-Line Credit card Processing Allow Editing Receipt's Comment
Currently Elliott defaults on the Credit card receipt "THANK YOU" and on the 2nd line "PLEASE COME AGAIN". User might want to change.
I suggest to add a field with 3 lines in the Global Setup of the CC Online setup for the required greeting. It can be defaulted to the current greeting but user can change. Also allow to leave blank if user wants to use Laser design.1 votecompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This change is complete and will be available in the next Elliott release. See http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/1921579-feature-custom-receipt-comments-in-on-line-cred for more information.
Extract an indented Bill of Material from Elliott to CSV
I see that there's a CSV option for single level Bill of Material but not for indented. Is there a way to extract an indented Bill of Material from Elliott to CSV? The output layout will similar as single level Bill of Material but need adding extra columns that includes "Report Line Sequence number" to keep whole report can be restored to original sequence after sorting from different way on spreadsheet. Plus, fields of "Stock Flag", "Control Flag" and "P/M Code.
3 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This change is complete. The feature will be available in version 8.5. See http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/1918618-feature-indented-bill-of-material-csv for more information.
Removing Line Item With Restricted Attribute On It
We have never been able to remove a line item off of an order in Order Entry if there's a restricted attribute on that item. For instance, let's say there is an existing order and a restricted attribute has been added to a certain product line, etc. that prevents that customer from ordering it. The order will get thrown on hold at the time of a picking ticket. If we go into that order in Order Entry to delete it, it won't allow us into that line item. The only way to remove it is to take the restricted attribute…
2 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This change has been completed and will be available in the next Elliott release.
Show Item on stock Status if Qty On-Order/Allocated > 0 and Qty On-Hand = 0
In Stock status Report, if user answer Y to field 8 (Exclude Zero Qty Items), and Qty On-Hand is zero, Item is not on the report, even if Qty Allocated or Qty On-Order are > 0. I suggest to allow user to see these items by adding a prompt on the Stock status screen or adding a Global setup field.
3 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This change has been completed and will be available in version 8.5. See http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/1919716-feature-stock-status-reports-add-include-with-al for more information.
Ability to mass update tax codes (1,2 and 3) through Mass Change Customer CSV Import Layout
As sales tax laws are changing, we are having sales tax liability in more and more states. As we need to re-define our tax codes setup and create new codes, it would be helpful if we could mass update the three tax codes using the customer CSV import file. Currently tax codes are not one of the available import fields.
1 votecompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
See the following KB article for more detail: http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/1911475-feature-add-support-for-customer-tax-codes-to-th
System is also able to perform auto assigned tax code if auto assign ability is setup.
Import Shipment Tracking Number to Elliott through CSV File
It has been suggested that Elliott should support importing of shipment tracking number for sales order through CSV File. The CSV file should contain the following fields:
Order# String Sample 123456 (pad leading zero if numeric)
Package# String Sample 1
Tracking# String Sample 1Z92752E0300860395
Weight String Sample 1.00
Freight Amount String Sample 15.23
Ship Via String Sample UPS Ground
Ship Date/Time String Sample 8/23/2017 1:00:00PM
Reference String Sample 123456789Not all fields need to be provided. Only the Order# and Tracking# is necessary. If the Package# is not provided, then it is assume 1. If the weight is not provided,…
3 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This feature will be released in the next 8.5 update.
Create an Event to Print Duplicate Invoice
We have the event to Print invoice. There is no event to Print Duplicate Invoice which is a different program and the recommended method when using Post Office. I think we should have the Event for Print Duplicate Invoice as well.
2 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This change has been completed. It will available in the next Elliott general release.
Attribute screen - allow keyboard entry in date fields.
Attribute screen - allow keyboard entry in date fields.
Currently, user must choose date from calendar/date picker control. Would like to see ability to simply enter date via keyboard input.
4 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This feature had been implemented in Elliott 8.6.
Date of Last Manufacture listed on Costed Bill of Material Report
It would be helpful if the Costed Bill of Material Report for a manufactured, stocked item included the date last manufactured.
2 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This change was completed on 3/14/19 and will be available in the next Elliott general release after this date. See http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/1904896-feature-added-csv-file-creation-to-print-costed for more information.
Cancelled PO Line Printing
When printing a PO with cancelled line or lines, the presentation is misleading and might cause an error on the vendor side. As we know Elliott print Cncl literal on cancelled lines but shows the quantity and the line total amount. The lines are not added to the total but I don't think its is enough, After cancelling the line, user cant even access field 19 and enter a comment. I think that the qty should be presented as 0 and the total line as zero. This is an old Macola behavior that we lived with and maybe it is…
1 votecompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This change has been completed and will be available in version 8.5. See http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/1921090-feature-print-warning-msg-for-cancelled-po-line for more information.
Order Import - add an option to move a GOOD file to a folder
When doing Order Import, Netcellent introduced new flags, 26 and 27 that handles the move of a file with errors to a different folder, this is a good feature. For good files. Elliott deletes the import file. My understanding from a conversation with Mark is that this logic of NOT archiving the import file is because of the assumption that the file already created in an EDI system and exists there. But if the import is NOT from EDI (maybe the partner created it in the required format), forcing the user to save it in 2 places is an extra…
2 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This feature is available in Elliott version 8.29.212. See http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/1896151-feature-move-successful-order-import-files-to-se for more information.
Support eContact Integrity Check for POAUDHDR
I ran eContact Integrity Check (SYCNTCHK) and find out that the utility does not support POAUDHDR. See attached screen. I suggest to support this table with eContact Integrity Check.
1 votecompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This change is complete and will be available in the next Elliott release.
Import To Remove An Attribute
Currently we have the ability to do a mass add or update via the Attribute Import, but I'm not aware of a way to mass remove an attribute from customers, items, etc. through Elliott. Is it possible to add that feature to the Attribute Import module?
2 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This change has been completed and will be available in the next Elliott release. See http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/1894678-feature-allow-mass-delete-of-attribute-records for more information.
Allow to use wild card file name and multiple path when attaching documents in Elliott Post Office
Elliott allows to use a variable on the Attach... field when sending a Post Office email. For example the variable InvNo will automatically attach a document with the invoice number as the file name. This is NICE. I suggest to allow multiple path in case the documents are in different folders and to allow wildcard. So instead of $InvNo$.pdf I can define $InvNo$.. For example if the invoice number is 123456, Elliott will attach 123456.DOC, 123456A.PDF etc. In addition user should be able to define different path so it can be something like M:\ELLIOTT8\DOC1\$InvNo$., M:\ELLIOTT8\DOC2\$InvNo$.…
3 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
Project completed and available in the current Elliott release. See KB article: https://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/2001877-feature-use-wildcards-and-multiple-paths-in-email
Remembering Default for Aging Report
We would like to know if it would be possible to "remember" the parameter for the Aging Report field 1 to either D or S, instead of having to change the parameter every time. We always run the aging report by detail and the default always comes up as an S for Summary.
3 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
The change is complete and will be available in the next Elliott release. See http://support.elliott.com/knowledgebase/articles/1888642-feature-aging-reports-store-detail-or-summary for more information.
Inventory Transaction Inquiry Drill Down to Material WO should show added/changed transactions
Currently if an item is added to a material work order at the time of receipt thru production transaction processing the drill down from stock-status-inquiry does not display the item that was added. Instead it seems to display the work order as it was originally created. Inventory transaction audit report displays the correct transaction.
2 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This change has been completed. A new F7=Material Used option will be available from the Material Work Order Inquiry screen. This feature will be available in the next Elliott release.
Printing a proforma invoice
Is there a way of printing a proforma invoice in another currency and being able to send it in postoffice?
1 votecompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
This project is already completed.
Item Generic Search to Show Item Quantity Greater than Zero Only
It is suggested that in item generic search, we have the option to show item quantity per global setup. It is suggested that, we need to allow user to press a flag that only show those item quantity is greater than zero so customer service rep can focus on those item that we have on-stock.
Currently, the bottom line of the item generic search can as following:
Up, Dn, PgDn, PgUp, F4=Detail
Up, Dn, PgDn, PgUp, RETURN To Select
Up, Dn, PgDn, PgUp, F4=Detail F5=Wish List
Up, Dn, PgDn, PgUp, F1/F2=Next/Prev Loc F3=Setup F4=Detail
Up Dn PgUp/Dn F1/F2=Next/Prev Loc F3=Setup…3 votescompleted ·AdminEdward M. Kwang - NETcellent System, Inc. (CEO / Founder, NETcellent Systems, Inc.) responded
The project is completed and will be in the next release.
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